

Returns the Base64 representation of the string or binary object. Base64 is a format that uses printable characters, allowing binary data to be sent in forms and e-mail, and stored in a database or file.


Conversion functions


ToBase64(string or binary_object) 

See also

See also:


string or binary_object
String or binary object to convert to Base64.


Base64 provides 6 bit encoding of 8-bit ASCII characters. Because high ASCII values and binary objects are not safe for transport over internet protocols such as HTTP and SMTP, ColdFusion offers Base64 as a means to safely send ASCII and binary data over these protocols.

Base64 lets you store binary objects in a database if you convert the data into Base64 first.


To reverse the Base64 encoding of a string, you must convert it into a binary object, and then convert the binary object into a string using ToString.


<!--- This example shows the use of ToBinary and ToBase64 --->




ToBase64 Example



<BASEFONT FACE = "Arial, Helvetica" SIZE = 2>

<body bgcolor = "#FFFFD5">

<H3>ToBase64 Example</H3>


Initialize data.


<cfset charData = "">


Create a string of all ASCII characters (32-255) and 

concatenate them together.


<CFLOOP index = "data" from = "32" to = "255">

  <cfset ch = chr(data)>

  <cfset charData = charData & ch>



The following string is the concatenation of all characters (32 to 255)

from the ASCII table.<BR>




Create a Base64 representation of this string.


<cfset data64 = toBase64(charData)>


Convert string to binary.


<cfset binaryData = toBinary(data64)>


Convert binary back to Base64.


<cfset another64 = toBase64(binaryData)>


Compare another64 with data64 to ensure that they are equal.


<cfif another64 eq data64>

  <H3>Base64 representations are identical.</H3>


  <H3>Conversion error.</H3>



