

Displays the results of a database query or other operation. To nest cfoutput tags, see the "Usage" section.


Data output tags



  query = "query_name"

  group = "query_column"

  groupCaseSensitive = "Yes" or "No"

  startRow = "start_row"

  maxRows = "max_rows_output">


See also

cfcol, cfcontent, cftable


Optional. The name of the cfquery from which to draw data for the output section.
Optional. Specifies the query column to use when you group sets of records together. Use this attribute if you have retrieved a record set ordered on a certain query column. For example, if a record set is ordered according to "Customer_ID" in the cfquery tag, you can group the output on "Customer_ID." The group attribute, which is case sensitive, eliminates adjacent duplicates when the data is sorted by the specified field. See the groupCaseSensitive attribute for information about specifying a case insensitive grouping.
Optional. Boolean indicating whether to group by case. The default value is YES; case is considered while grouping. If the query attribute specifies a query object that was generated by a case-insensitive SQL query, set the groupCaseSensitive attribute to NO to keep the recordset intact.
Optional. Specifies the row from which to start output.
Optional. Specifies the maximum number of rows to display in the output section.


To nest cfoutput blocks, you must specify the group and query attributes at the top-most level, and the group attribute for all inner blocks except the inner-most cfoutput block.


<!--- This example shows how cfoutput operates --->

<!--- run a sample query --->

<cfquery name = "GetCourses" dataSource = "cfsnippets">

SELECT Dept_ID, CorName, CorLevel

FROM courseList

ORDER by Dept_ID, CorLevel, CorName







<H3>cfoutput Example</H3>

<P>cfoutput simply tells ColdFusion Server

to begin processing, and then to hand back control

of page rendering to the web server.

<P>For example, to show today's date, you could write

#DateFormat("#Now()#"). If you enclosed that expression

in cfoutput, the result would be <cfoutput>#DateFormat(Now())#


<P>In addition, cfoutput may be used to show the results of

a query operation, or only a partial result, as shown:

<P>There are <cfoutput>#getCourses.recordCount#</cfoutput> total records

in our query. Using the maxRows parameter, we are limiting our

display to 4 rows.


<cfoutput query = "GetCourses" maxRows = 4>

<PRE>#Dept_ID#  #CorName#  #CorLevel#</PRE>


<P>cfoutput can also show the results of a more complex expression,

such as getting the day of the week from today's date. We first

extract the integer representing the Day of the Week from

the server function Now() and then apply the result to

the DayofWeekAsString function:

<BR>Today is #DayofWeekAsString(DayofWeek(Now()))#

<BR>Today is <cfoutput>#DayofWeekAsString(DayofWeek(Now()))#</cfoutput>



