Creating the Application.cfm File

The special application-wide page called Application.cfm defines application-level settings and functions such as:

Naming the application

In ColdFusion, you define an application by giving it a name using the cfapplication tag. By using the same application name in a cfapplication tag, you define a set of pages as part of the same logical application.


The value you set for the name attribute in cfapplication is limited to 64 characters.

To name the application:

  1. Open ColdFusion Studio and create a new file.
  2. Modify the file so that it appears as follows:
    <!--- This example illustrates cfapplication --->
    <!--- Name the application --->
    <cfapplication NAME="SearchApp">
  3. Save the file as Application.cfm in the root directory of your application framework.

Setting application default variables and constants

It is often useful to set default variables and application-level constants in the Application.cfm file. For example, you can designate:

Example: Application.cfm

The following example shows a complete Application.cfm file for the sample Products application:

<!--- Set application name and enable Client variables, stored in 

a data source called mycompany --->

<cfapplication name="Products"




<!--- Set custom global error handling pages for this application--->

<cferror type="REQUEST"



<cferror type="VALIDATION" 


<!--- Set application-specific constants. These are put in the

Variables scope of every page in the application--->

<cfset homepage="">

<cfset primarydatasource="CompanyDB">

<!--- set global error handling for this application --->

<!--- set Session variable for this application.--->

<!--- Note that the cfset tag is surrounded by a cflock tag --->

<cflock  timeout="30" 



  <cfset session.current_location = "Davis, Porter, Alewife">


<cfset mainpage = "default.cfm">

<cfset sm_location = "dpa">

<cfset current_page = "#cgi.path_info#?#cgi.query_string#">
