Storing Complex Data in a String

The following simple example uses WDDX to store complex data, a data structure that contains arrays as a string in a Client variable. It uses the cfdump tag to display the contents of the structure before serialization and after deserialization. It uses the HTMLEditFormat function in a cfoutput tag to display the contents of the Client variable. The HTMLEditFormat function is required to prevent the browser from trying to interpret (and throwing away) the XML tags in the variable.

<!--- Enable client state management --->

<cfapplication name="relatives" clientmanagement="Yes">

<!--- Build a complex data structure --->


  relatives = structNew();

  relatives.father = "Bob";

  relatives.mother = "Mary";

  relatives.sisters = arrayNew(1);

  arrayAppend(relatives.sisters, "Joan");

  relatives.brothers = arrayNew(1);

  arrayAppend(relatives.brothers, "Tom");

  arrayAppend(relatives.brothers, "Jesse");


A dump of the original relatives structure:<br>


<cfdump var="#relatives#"><br>


<!--- Convert data structure to string form and save it in the 

      client scope --->

<cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#relatives#" output="Client.wddxRelatives">

The contents of the Client.wddxRelatives variable:<br>



<!--- Now read the data from client scope into a new structure --->

<cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#Client.wddxRelatives#" output="sameRelatives">

A dump of the sameRelatives structure <br>

generated from client.wddxRelatives<br>


<cfdump var="#sameRelatives#">
