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Getting Started with the JDBC API

September 1999

1 Introduction

1.1 What the JDBC 2.0 API Includes
1.2 What Is the JDBC API?
1.2.1 What Does the JDBC API Do?
1.2.2 A Base for Other APIs
1.2.3 The JDBC API Versus ODBC and UDA
1.2.4 Two-tier and Three-tier Models
1.2.5 SQL Conformance
1.2.6 JDBC Products
1.2.7 Java Software Framework
1.2.8 JDBC Driver Types
1.2.9 Obtaining JDBC Drivers
1.2.10 Java-relational DBMSs
1.2.11 Other Products

2 Connection

2.1 Connection Overview
2.1.1 Opening a Connection
2.1.2 URLs in General Use
2.1.3 JDBC URLs
2.1.4 The odbc Subprotocol
2.1.5 Registering Subprotocols
2.1.6 Sending SQL Statements
2.1.7 Transactions
2.1.8 Transaction Isolation Levels
2.1.9 Freeing DBMS Resources
2.1.10 Using Type Maps

3 DriverManager

3.1 DriverManager Overview
3.1.1 Keeping Track of Available Drivers
3.1.2 Establishing a Connection
3.1.3 DriverManager Methods Are Static

4 Statement

4.1 Statement Overview
4.1.1 Creating Statement Objects
4.1.2 Executing Statements Using Statement Objects
4.1.3 Statement Completion
4.1.4 Closing Statements
4.1.5 SQL Escape Syntax in Statements
4.1.6 Sending Batch Updates
4.1.7 Giving Performance Hints
4.1.8 Executing Special Kinds of Statements

5 ResultSet

5.1 ResultSet Overview
5.1.1 Rows and Columns
5.1.2 Cursors
5.1.3 Cursor Movement Examples
5.1.4 Determining the Number of Rows in a Result Set
5.1.5 Retrieving Column Values
5.1.6 Which getXXX Method to Use
5.1.7 Types of Result Sets
5.1.8 Concurrency Types
5.1.9 Providing Performance Hints
5.1.10 Creating Different Types of Result Sets
5.1.11 Using a Prepared Statement to Create Result Sets
5.1.12 Requesting Features That Are Not Supported
5.1.13 Using updateXXX Methods
5.1.14 Deleting a Row
5.1.15 Inserting Rows
5.1.16 Positioned Updates
5.1.17 Queries That Produce Updatable Result Sets
5.1.18 Using Streams for Very Large Row Values
5.1.19 NULL Result Values
5.1.20 Closing a ResultSet Object
5.1.21 JDBC Compliance

6 PreparedStatement

6.1 PreparedStatement Overview
6.1.1 Creating PreparedStatement Objects
6.1.2 Passing IN Parameters
6.1.3 Data Type Conformance on IN Parameters
6.1.4 Using setObject
6.1.5 Sending JDBC NULL as an IN parameter
6.1.6 Sending Very Large IN Parameters
6.1.7 Using PreparedStatement Objects in Batch Updates

7 CallableStatement

7.1 CallableStatement Overview
7.1.1 Creating a CallableStatement Object
7.1.2 IN Parameters
7.1.3 Making Batch Updates
7.1.4 OUT Parameters
7.1.5 Numbering of Parameters
7.1.6 INOUT Parameters
7.1.7 Retrieve OUT Parameters after Results
7.1.8 Retrieving NULL Values as OUT Parameters

8 Mapping SQL and Java Types

8.1 Mapping Overview
8.2 Mapping SQL Types to Java Types
8.3 Basic JDBC Types
8.3.3 BIT
8.3.7 BIGINT
8.3.8 REAL
8.3.9 DOUBLE
8.3.10 FLOAT
8.4 Advanced JDBC Data Types
8.4.1 BLOB
8.4.2 CLOB
8.4.3 ARRAY
8.4.5 STRUCT
8.4.6 REF
8.5 Examples of Mapping
8.5.1 Simple SQL Statement
8.5.2 SQL Statement with IN Parameters
8.5.3 SQL Statement with INOUT Parameters
8.6 Custom Mapping
8.7 Dynamic Data Access
8.8 Storing Java Objects in a Database
8.9 Tables for Type Mapping
8.9.1 JDBC Types Mapped to Java Types
8.9.2 Java Types Mapped to JDBC Types
8.9.3 JDBC Types Mapped to Java Object Types
8.9.4 Java Object Types Mapped to JDBC Types
8.9.5 Conversions by setObject
8.9.6 Conversions by ResultSet.getXXX Methods
8.9.7 JDBC Types Mapped to Database-specific SQL Types

9 JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

9.1 Obtaining a JDBC Driver
9.2 JDBC-ODBC Bridge
9.2.1 What is the JDBC-ODBC Bridge?
9.2.2 ODBC Compatibility and ODBC Versions Supported
9.2.3 The Bridge Implementation
9.2.4 Installation
9.3 Using the Bridge
9.3.1 Using the Bridge from an Applet
9.3.2 Most Browsers Do Not Support the Bridge
9.3.3 Tested Configurations
9.3.4 ODBC Drivers Known to Work with the Bridge
9.3.5 What is the JDBC URL Supported by the Bridge?
9.3.6 Debugging
9.4 New JDBC 2.0 API Features Supported by the Bridge

Appendix A: Summary of New Features

A.2 Summary of New Functionality
A.2.1 Scrollable Result Sets
A.2.2 Batch Updates
A.2.3 Programmatic Updates
A.2.4 Other New Features
A.3 Support for Advanced Data Types
A.3.1 What Are the SQL3 Data Types?
A.3.2 Summary of Support for the SQL3 Data Types
A.3.3 Mapping of the New SQL3 Types
A.3.4 SQL Locators
A.3.5 Support for Storing Java Objects

Appendix B: Sample Code

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