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4.4 The ObjectStreamField Class

An ObjectStreamField represents a serializable field of a serializable class. The serializable fields of a class can be retrieved from the ObjectStreamClass.

The special static serializable field, serialPersistentFields, is an array of ObjectStreamField components that is used to override the default serializable fields.


public class ObjectStreamField {

    public ObjectStreamField(String fieldName, Class fieldType);

    public String getName();

    public Class getType() throws ClassNotFoundException;

    public String toString();
The ObjectStreamField constructor is used to create a new instance of an ObjectStreamField. The argument is the type of the serializable field. For example, Integer.TYPE or java.lang.Hashtable.class. ObjectStreamField objects are used to specify the serializable fields of a class or to describe the fields present in a stream.

The getName method returns the name of the serializable field.

The getType method returns the type of the field.

The toString method returns a printable representation with name and type.

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