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Saturday Night Live, 468
save method
of class Properties, 641
See also declarations; inheritance; names; object-oriented concepts
exception parameters, 291
initializer execution relative to issues of, 175
of names
class, 130, 81
of names
formal parameter, 157
hiding rules, 83
import, 87
interface, 184, 81
local variables, 267, 45, 82
member, 138, 81
package, 120, 81
of constructors, 82
of exception handlers, 82
formal, 157, 81
simple, 81
term definition, 81
type initialization order restrictions, 223
Scott, Sir Walter, 646
search method
of class Stack, 662
Sebastian, John, 273
See also access control; exceptions; types; virtual machine
ClassLoader class, 558
internal symbolic reference table, role in maintaining, 218
SecurityException class, 611
SecurityManager class, 569
standard exceptions, SecurityException, 209
type system, verification importance to, 244
@see tag
specification, 421
seed field
of class Random, 646
seek method
of class RandomAccessFile, 745
self-reference, 788, 805, 808
See also grammars; lexical; syntax
errors in, exceptions as mechanism for signaling at run-time, 201
expression, (chapter), 301
context role, 90
determining, 89
expressions, 95
methods, 98
package, 93
types, 93
verifying during linking process, 220
semicolon (;)
as method body, 164
list of, 27
separator field, of class File, 753
separatorChar field, of class File, 753
as token, 7
escape, for character and string literals, 26
SequenceInputStream class, 694
set method, of class BitSet, 620
setChanged method, of class Observable, 644
setCharAt method, of class StringBuffer, 552
setDaemon method
of class Thread, 597
of class ThreadGroup, 607
setDate method, of class Date, 627
setElementAt method, of class Vector, 656
setHours method, of class Date, 628
setLength method, of class StringBuffer, 551
setLineNumber method, of class LineNumberInputStream, 709
setMaxPriority method, of class ThreadGroup, 607
setMinutes method, of class Date, 628
setMonth method, of class Date, 627
setName method, of class Thread, 596
setPriority method, of class Thread, 597
setProperties method, of class System, 582
setSeconds method, of class Date, 628
setSecurityManager method, of class System, 580
setSeed method, of class Random, 647
setSize method, of class Vector, 658
setTime method, of class Date, 629
setYear method, of class Date, 626
Seuss, Dr., 125
See hiding
Shakespeare, William
As You Like It, 51
Hamlet, 470
Love's Labour's Lost, 28
Macbeth, 406
Measure for Measure, 28
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 28
Othello, 562
Romeo and Juliet, 111
Troilus and Cressida, 28
Shakespeare, William
Two Gentlemen of Verona, 28
The Winter's Tale, 236
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 353
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 471
short type
See also integral types; numbers
value range, 31
side effects
See also expressions
from expression evaluation, reasons for, 301
of constructors, 177
of methods, 157
methods with the same, inheriting, 166
simple names
See also identifiers; names
expression, meaning of, 95
method, meaning of, 98
package, meaning of, 93
term definition, 79
type, meaning of, 93
sin method
of class Math, 518
single quote (')
escape sequence, 27
size method
of class BitSet, 621
of class ByteArrayOutputStream, 728
of class DataOutputStream, 737
of class Dictionary, 633
of class Hashtable, 636
of class Vector, 658
skip method
of class BufferedInputStream, 701
of class ByteArrayInputStream, 691
of class FileInputStream, 686
of class FilterInputStream, 697
of class InputStream, 682
of class LineNumberInputStream, 708
of class StringBufferInputStream, 693
skipBytes method
of class DataInputStream, 704
of class RandomAccessFile, 747
of interface DataInput, 669
slashSlashComments method
of class StreamTokenizer, 717
slashStarComments method
of class StreamTokenizer, 717
sleep method
of class Thread, 600
standard exceptions, SocketException, 211
Solomon, 193
Unicode, reference for details on, 18
source code
compatibility, contrasted with binary compatibility, 241
transformations that preserve binary compatibility, 239
Southey, Robert, 350
See cuspidor
sqrt method
of class Math, 521
square brackets ([])
in array
type declaration, 194
variable declaration, 194
EmptyStackException class, 663
Stack class, 661
StackOverflowError class, 611
standard exceptions
EmptyStackException, 209
StackOverflowError, 212, 213
checked, 210
runtime, 208
unchecked, 209
standard classes
AbstractMethodError, 611
ArithmeticException, 611
ArrayStoreException, 611
BitSet, 618
Boolean, 469
BufferedInputStream, 699
BufferedOutputStream, 732
ByteArrayInputStream, 689
ByteArrayOutputStream, 727
Character, 471
Class, 199, 466
ClassCastException, 611
ClassCircularityError, 611
ClassFormatError, 611
ClassLoader, 216, 218, 219, 558
ClassNotFoundException, 611
CloneNotSupportedException, 611
DataInputStream, 703
Date, 622
Dictionary, 633
standard classes
Double, 308, 510
EmptyStackException, 663
Error, 163, 211, 611
Exception, 611
ExceptionInInitializerError, 611, 614
File, 752, 753
FileInputStream, 684
FileOutputStream, 722
FilterInputStream, 696
FilterOutputStream, 730
Float, 503
Hashtable, 635
IllegalAccessError, 611
IllegalAccessException, 611
IllegalArgumentException, 611
IllegalThreadStateException, 611
IncompatibleClassChangeError, 611
IndexOutOfBoundsException, 611
InputStream, 680
InstantiationError, 611
Integer, 488
InternalError, 611
InterruptedException, 611
LineNumberInputStream, 707
LinkageError, 211, 611
Long, 495
Math, 517
NegativeArraySizeException, 611
NoClassDefFoundError, 611
NoSuchElementException, 664
NoSuchFieldError, 611
NoSuchMethodError, 611
NoSuchMethodException, 611
NullPointerException, 611
Number class, 487
NumberFormatException, 611
Object, 185, 199, 40, 41, 458
Observable, 643
OutOfMemoryError, 611
OutputStream, 720
PipedInputStream, 687
PipedOutputStream, 725
PrintStream, 738
Process, 561
Properties, 639
PushbackInputStream, 710
Random, 646
RandomAccessFile, 743
Runtime, 563
RuntimeException, 164, 611
SecurityException, 611
SecurityManager, 569
standard classes
SequenceInputStream, 694
Stack, 661
StackOverflowError, 611
StreamTokenizer, 712
String, 19, 25, 41, 531
StringBuffer, 548
StringBufferInputStream, 692
StringTokenizer, 651
System, 579
Thread, 206
Thread class, 587
ThreadDeath, 611
ThreadGroup, 206, 602
Throwable, 611
UnknownError, 611
UnsatisfiedLinkError, 611
Vector, 654
VerifyError, 611
VirtualMachineError, 611
standard interfaces
Cloneable interface, 465
DataInput interface, 667
DataOutput interface, 674
Enumeration interface, 617
FileNameFilter interface, 759
Observer interface, 645
Runnable interface, 586
Star Trek, 793, 805, 820
start method
of class Thread, 594
startsWith method
of class String, 540
virtual machine, 215
IllegalThreadStateException class, 611
not shared by primitive values, 31
impact of changes, 39
transient fields not part of persistent, 147
See also constructors; control flow; expressions; initializers; methods
definite assignment, 397
specification, 283
(chapter), 263
completion of
abrupt, reasons for, 264
normal, reasons for, 264
definite assignment, 397
specification, 285
definite assignment, 393
definite assignment, 395
specification, 279
definite assignment, 393
specification, 271
definite assignment, 394
specification, 272
definite assignment, 396
specification, 280
general specification, 269
dangling else handling, 270
definite assignment, 394
if-then, specification, 273
if-then-else, specification, 274
definite assignment, 394
specification, 271
LALR(1) grammar productions, 446
local variable declarations
execution of, 269
specification, 265
definite assignment, 397
specification, 286
definite assignment, 395
specification, 274
definite assignment, 397
specification, 289
definite assignment, 397
specification, 287
definite assignment, 398
try-catch, specification, 291
try-catch-finally, specification, 293
unreachable, conservative flow analysis detection of, 295
definite assignment, 395
specification, 277
static initializers
See also initialization
LALR(1) grammar productions, 444
static modifier
See also declarations; modifiers
for fields, 145
binary compatibility considerations, 253
creating during the preparation phase of linking, 221
declaring class variables using, 145
default initialization of during the preparation phase of linking, 221
implicit in interface member declarations, 187
initialization of, 149, 175
binary compatibility considerations, 259
as components of a class body, 138
for, 175
for methods
declaring class methods with, 160
hiding by, 165
not permitted in interface method declarations, 189
reason why constructors do not use, 178
Stein, Gertrude
Arthur a Grammar
arithmetic, 450
burnt ivy, 440
finishing early, 453
grammar in a title, 433
grammar is useless, 445
pretty names, 441
successions of words, 446
vocabulary, 440
Rooms, 349
Sacred Emily, 111
stop method
of class Thread, 595
of class ThreadGroup, 605
array, exception, 199
in a database, 117
in a file system, 115
See also files; input; output
BufferedInputStream class, 699
BufferedOutputStream class, 732
ByteArrayInputStream class, 689
ByteArrayOutputStream class, 727
FileInputStream class, 684
FileOutputStream class, 722
FilterInputStream class, 696
FilterOutputStream class, 730
LineNumberInputStream class, 707
OutputStream class, 720
PipedInputStream class, 687
PipedOutputStream class, 725
PrintStream class, 738
PushbackInputStream class, 710
SequenceInputStream class, 694
StreamTokenizer class, 712
StringBufferInputStream class, 692
See also characters; numbers; primitive types; String class; StringBuffer class
character arrays not the same as, 199
concatenation operator (+)
constructor invocation by, 177
creating new instances with, 38
conversion, 67
context specification, 67
specification, 60
to numeric types, NumberFormatException, 209
escape sequences for, 26
interning of, 25
term definition and specification, 25
standard exceptions, UTFDataFormatException, 210
String class, 531
creating instances, with string concatenation operator, 41
literal as source code representation of the value of, 19
specification, 41, 531
string literal as reference to an instance of, 25
StringBuffer class, 548
StringBufferInputStream class, 692
StringTokenizer class, 651
substrings, substring method of String class, 543
Stroustrup, Bjarne, 6
See also class(es); interfaces; superclasses; superinterfaces
declaration, 133
direct, extending classes with, 133
relationship to direct subclass, 134
See also packages
as package members, 85
substring method
of class String, 543
super keyword
overridden methods with, 165
superclass members with, in expression evaluation, 322
binary compatibility considerations, 247
not permitted in
class variable initialization, 150
explicit constructor invocation, 179
interface field declarations, 187
permitted in instance variable initialization, 150
See also classes; fields; interfaces; methods; packages; subclasses; superinterfaces
accessing fields with super, expression evaluation, 322
of array is Object, 199
binary compatibility considerations, 243
declaration, with extends clause, 133
term definition, 133
extending classes with, 133
public, accessing instances of non-public subclasses through, 142
See also classes; fields; interfaces; methods; packages; subclasses
binary compatibility considerations, 243, 260
declaration, with implements clause, 135
term definition, 135
of interface, declaration, 185
public, accessing instances of non-public subclasses through, 142
term definition, 135
suspend method
of class Thread, 596
of class ThreadGroup, 606
sval field
of class StreamTokenizer, 715
threads example, 409
sweat, 51
Sweet, Richard, 6
Swift, Jonathan, 618
switch statement
See also statements
definite assignment, 395
local variable declaration specification, impact on, 45
specification, 274
symbolic references
binary file format requirements, 239
resolution, 221
code generation implications of, 222
internal table description, 218
See also identifiers; name; variables
CompilationUnit, 8
Input, 7
term definition, 7
notation for definition of, 8
term definition, 7
optional, term definition, 8
terminal, term definition, 7
See also locks; threads
exception mechanism integration with, 202
initialization implications of, 225
locks, 415
use by synchronized methods, 161
use by synchronized statement, 289
standard exceptions
IllegalMonitorStateException, 209
IllegalThreadStateException, 209
InterruptedException, 210
InterruptedIOException, 210
synchronized modifier
See also modifiers
in method declarations, 161
methods, binary compatibility considerations, 256
not permitted in interface field declarations, 187
not permitted in interface method declarations, 189
reason why constructors do not use, 178
specification, 416
synchronized statement
definite assignment, 397
operations, 416
specification, 289
term definition, 399
volatile fields used for, with threads, 147
See also lexical; semantics
classification, of a name according to context, 90
grammar, 8
LALR(1) grammar, 440
term definition, 8
System class, 579
system operations
See ClassLoader class; Process class; Runtime class; SecurityManager class; System class

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