Written by Patrick D'Cruze (pdcruze@orac.iinet.com.au)

                 with contributions from Mitchum DSouza



1	An introduction to locale and catalogs

1.1	What is locale?

1.2	What are message catalogs?

1.3	What is the format of a message catalog?

2	What routines are involved?

2.1	Setlocale()

2.2	Catopen()

2.3	Catgets()

2.4	Catclose()

2.5	Xtract

2.6	Gencat

3	Writing locale software

3.1	Writing and modifying software to support message catalogs

3.2	Writing software that is to be used on locale and non-locale systems

4	Where are the message catalogs stored?

5	Frequently Asked Questions

Section 1.	Introduction to locales and catalogs

1.1	What is a locale?

There are many attributes that are needed to define a country's cultural

conventions.  These attributes include the country's native language,

the formatting of the date and time, the representation of numbers, the

symbols for currency, etc.    These local "rules" are termed the

country's locale.  The locale represents the knowledge needed to support

the country's native attributes.

There are 5 major areas which may vary between countries and hence locales.

Characters and Codesets

The codeset most commonly used through out the USA and most English

speaking parts of the world is the ASCII codeset.  However, there are

many characters needed by various locales that are not found within this

codeset.  The 8-bit ISO 8859-1 code set has most of the special

characters needed to handle the major European languages.  However, in

many cases, the ISO 8859-1 font is not adequate.  Hence each locale will

need to specify which codeset they need to use and will need to have the

appropriate character handling routines to cope with the codeset.


The symbols used vary from country to country as does the position used

by the symbol.  Software needs to be able to transparently display

currency figures in the native mode for each locale.


The format of date varies between locales.  eg, Christmas day in 1994,

is written as 12/25/94 in the USA and as 25/12/94 in Australia.  Some

locales require time to be specified in 24-hour mode rather than as AM

or PM.


Numbers can be represented differently in different locales.  eg, the

following numbers are all written correctly for their respective locales:

	12,345.67	English

	12.345,67	French

	1,2345.67	Asia


The most obvious area is the language support within a locale.  An easy

mechanism has to be provided for developers and users to easily change

the language that the software uses to communicate to the user.

This Locale tutorial will only concentrate on the area of native message

support for software.  At a later stage, it will be updated to

illustrate the ease with which developers can add support for other

locale attributes.  In addition it must be emphasized that the locale

routines and functions are used most frequently by text-based software

ie, software which operates within an xterm or a virtual console. 

Different routines exist for software that interacts with X Windows, and

these too will be covered in a later revision of this document.

1.2	What is a Message Catalog?

Software communicates to users by writing text messages to the screen. 

These messages can be scattered throughout many lines of source code. 

To support various languages, it is necessary to translate these text

messages into different languages.  It is infeasible to hardcode these

messages into the source code for two reasons:

1).  To translate the messages into another language, translators would

have to go hunting through the source code for these messages.  This is

obviously inefficient and many times, translators may not even have

access to the source code.

2).  Supporting a new language will mean that the text messages within

the code, needs to be translated, and then the code needs to be

recompiled.  This needs to be done for every language.

The solution is to have all textual message stored in an external

message catalog.  Whenever the software needs to display a message, the

software tells the operating system to look up the appropriate message

in the catalog and display it on the screen.

The benefits this brings is that:

a) the catalog can be translated without needing access to the source code

b) the source code only needs to be compiled once.  To support a new

   language, its only a matter of translating the message catalog and

   shipping the translated catalog to the user

c) All of the message are collated into one place.

1.3	What is the format of a message catalog?

Once the text messages have been extracted from the source code, they

are stored within an ordinary text file which is commonly referred to as

a message file.  The text file often has the following structure:

	1	Cannot open file foo.bar

	2	Cannot write to file foo.bar

	3	Cannot access directory

	...	...

While this is a useful representation for programmers and translators,

it is an inefficient form for the operating system to access.  The

operating system would be able to access the text messages a lot faster

if they were stored in some sort of binary database form.  And this is

indeed what is done.

A message catalog is a binary representation of the messages used within

the software.  The message text files are compiled using the gencat

software into a binary message catalog.  The compiled message catalog is

in a machine-specific format and is not portable between different

machines and architectures, however this is of little concern.  It is

trivial to recompile the message text files on other platforms - the

gencat software operates identically on other platforms.

Programmers and translators store the text messages used by their

software within message files and these files are then compiled into a

message catalog.  However, a single piece of software may contain

hundreds of printf() statements, each one consisting of a unique

message.  Each of these messages needs to be stored in a message file. 

It is entirely unreasonable to expect to have all of these stored within

a single message text file.  Editing, changing, deleting, and adding new

messages would grow to be a major inconvenience.

The solution is to break up messages into sets.  Each set contains

messages for a different part of the software.  Combining all of the

sets together gives the sum total of all messages used within the

software.  These sets can then be compiled into a single message

catalog.  The software can then access a particular message within a

particular set within the message catalog.

This makes the programmers job, (and the translators job) a lot easier. 

The programmer can assign separate sets for major subroutines.  Then

when a subroutine is modified or changed, only its corresponding message

set needs to be changed.  All others sets can be left alone.


For software gnubar we have two major areas requiring communication to

the user - displaying errors, and reporting results.

So we create 2 message files (or sets):



(We adopt the practice of using .m to signify a message file).

All of the error messages are stored within the errors.m file, and

similarly, result messages are stored in the results.m file.  We then

modify the software so that whenever an error message needs to be

printed, the software accesses the errors set, and prints the

corresponding error message.  Similarly for the results set.

Both of these files are then compiled to form the message catalog for

gnubar.  The resulting catalog is usually named:


This catalog consists of 2 sets - errors and results, each of which

contains numerous messages.

To access a particular message, the software needs to specify which set

the message is located in, and the message number to be displayed from

that set.

Section 2.	What routines are involved?

The 4 core routines for accessing and dealing with message catalogs

within your source code are setlocale(), catopen(), catgets(), and


NB.  Remember that Message Catalogs are but one element of a locale. 

Other elements will be covered in later revisions of this document.

Note for Linux users: To access and use the locale functions you will

need to use libc.so.4.4.4c or greater (I'd recommend using at least

libc.so.4.5.26 or higher as this includes a lot of improvements in the

locale routines).  You will also need the include files locale.h and

nl_types.h - if you have a libc that supports locale functions, then you

will also most likely have these include files too.


The first thing a program needs to do is to establish the locale to use.

 It does this using the setlocale() function.  This is defined as:

	#include <locale.h>

	char *setlocale(int category, const char *locale);

The category argument tells the setlocale() function which attributes to

set.  The choices are:

LC_COLLATE	Changes the behavior of the strcoll() and strxfrm() functions.

LC_CTYPE	Changes the behavior of the character-handling functions:

			isalpha(), islower(), isupper(), isprint(), ...

LC_MESSAGES	Changes the language in which messages are displayed.

LC_MONETARY	Changes the information returned by localeconv().

LC_NUMERIC	Changes the radix character for numeric conversions.

LC_TIME		Changes the behavior of the strftime() function.

LC_ALL		Changes all of the above.

In our examples, we will only be dealing with the Message catalogs,

hence we only need to set the LC_MESSAGES category within the

setlocale() function.  The LC_ALL category could also be used.  However

it is good programming practise to only use those categories that you

need within your software.  The reason for this will be explained


The locale argument is the name of a locale.  Two special locale names are:

	C		this makes all attributes function as defined in the

			C standard.

	POSIX		this is the same as the above.

Usually, the locale argument will be:


(empty quotes).  This will select the user's native locale.  This is

done by the operating system as follows:

1. If the user has an environment variable LC_ALL defined, and it is not

null, then the value of this environment variable is used as the locale


2. If the user has an environment variable that has the same name as the

category, and which is not null, then this is used as the locale


3.  If the LANG environment variable is defined and is not null, then

this value is used as the locale argument.

If the resulting value is the same as a valid, supported locale, then

the locale is changed.  If the value however does not name a supported

locale and is not null, setlocale() will return a NULL pointer and the

locale will not be changed from the default "C" locale.

At program startup, the operating system performs the following

setlocale() function:

	setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");

This if your software doesn't make any setlocale() calls, or cannot

change the locale (due to no valid environment variables being set),

then the software will use the default C locale.

If setlocale() is unable to change the locale, then NULL is returned.

Good programming practice dictates that you should only use the locale

categories suitable for your software.  An example will illustrate why.




	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");



The software will now set all the locale categories to the value of

either the LC_ALL environment variable if set, or else the value of the

LANG environment variable.  Otherwise, it will use the default "C"


Now suppose, the user wishes to have all messages displayed on their

screen in English, but wishes to use the other attributes from the

French locale.  The user does this by pointing the LC_MESSAGES variable

to the English locale, but setting the LANG variable to the French


Now the above example (using LC_ALL) will ignore the LC_MESSAGES

environment variable and will instead use the LANG variable.  Hence

messages will be displayed in French.  The user can either have all

attributes set for English or all the attributes set for French.

Admittedly this would be a very rare situation but if your software only

needs to access the Messages attribute, then only this category needs to

be set.  If your software needs to access 4 categories, then you should

use 4 setlocale() functions.

It is the user's responsibility to correctly set their environment

variables.  It is also easy for a user to alter their environment,

simply by changing their environment variables.  It is wise to include

information on the correct setting of these variables with your software

as many users may be unaware of the correct procedures or settings. 

These issues will be covered in a later section.


The setlocale() function only establishes the correct locale for the

program to use.  To access a catalog, the catalog must first be opened. 

The catopen() function is used for this.  It is defined as follows:

	#include <nl_types.h>

	nl_catd catopen(char *name, int flag);

Catopen() opens a message catalog and returns a catalog descriptor. 

name specifies the name of the message catalog to be opened.  If name

specifies an absolute path, (i.e. contains a `/') then name specifies a

pathname for the message catalog.  Otherwise, the environment variable

NLSPATH is used with name substituted for %N.  If NLSPATH does not exist

in the environment, or if a message catalog cannot be opened in any of 

the paths specified by NLSPATH, then the following paths are searched in




In all cases LC_MESSAGES stands for the current setting of the

LC_MESSAGES category of locale from a previous call to setlocale() and

defaults to the "C" locale.  In the last search path name refers to the

catalog name.

The  flag argument to catopen is used to indicate the type of loading

desired. This should be either MCLoadBySet or MCLoadAll.  The former 

value indicates that only the required set from the catalog is loaded

into memory when needed, whereas the latter causes the initial call to

catopen() to load the entire catalog into memory.

catopen() returns a message catalog descriptor of type nl_catd on

success.  On failure, it returns -1.

Sample usage:

	static nl_catd	catfd = 0;

	catfd = catopen("foo.cat", MCLoadBySet);

	if (catfd == -1)

		printf("Failed to open the message catalog");


Once a message catalog has been opened, we need a routine to access the

catalog and retrieve messages from it.  This is the purpose of the

catgets() routine.  It is defined as:

	#include <nl_types.h>

	char *catgets(nl_catd catfd, int set_number, int message_number, char


catgets() reads the message message_number, in set set_number, from the

message catalog identified by catfd.  catfd is a catalog descriptor

returned from an earlier call to catopen(3).  The fourth argument 

message points to a default message string which will be returned by

catgets() if the identified message catalog is not currently open, or

damaged.  The message-text is contained in an internal buffer area and

should be copied by the application if it is to be saved or modified. 

The return string is always terminated with a null byte.

On success, catgets() returns a pointer to an internal buffer area

containing the null-terminated message string.  catgets() returns a

pointer to message if it fails because the message catalog specified by

catfd is not currently open. Otherwise, catgets() returns a pointer to 

an  empty string if the message catalog is available but does not

contain the specified message.

Sample usage:

	printf(catgets(catfd, 3, 7, "Error accessing block %d"), block_num);

The above routine attempts to access the 7th message in the 3rd set of

the message catalog.  If this message cannot be accessed for any reason,

then the message "Error accessing block %d" is printed instead.


Once the software has finished using a particular message catalog, the

catalog should be closed so that the operating system can free up the

memory used to store the catalog.  The catalog is closed by the use of

the catclose() function.  It is defined as:

	#include <nl_types.h>

	void catclose(nl_catd catfd);

catclose() closes the message catalog identified by catfd.  It

invalidates any subsequent references to the message catalog defined by


catclose() returns 0 on success, or -1 on failure.

Sample usage:





These are the 4 C routines needed to access catalogs within your

software.  The next section will cover tools that are available to help

you extract existing messages from your software, and will detail the

gencat software for compiling message text files into message catalogs.

Before we discuss xtract and gencat, we'll outline the format of the

text message files.  Gencat requires the message file to be in a

specific format so that it can compile the messages into a message


A sample message file is given below:

	$set 2 #chmod

	$ #1 Original Message:(invalid mode)

	# invalid mode

	$ #2 Original Message:(virtual memory exhausted)

	# virtual memory exhausted


The first line is used to establish the set number for this message

file.  The "set" keyword must exist in all message files.  The second

field is the set number for this message file and must be unique for the

message catalog.  The third field (minus the # sign) is the name which

can also be used to identify this set (the set number can also be used).

 (More on this later).

The second line is the unique id for this message.  The only important

things here are the $ sign and the second field (the #num).  The $ sign

is always needed to distinguish between a text message, and a message id

(or set command).  The second field (minus the # sign) is the message

id.  Everything after this second field is ignored.  It is often helpful

to include the original message to aid translators and others who have

to modify or edit the message file.

The third line (minus the # sign) is the actual text message.  In this

case, it is the text message for the first message in this second set. 

Similarly, the fifth line is the text for the second message in this

second set.

When translating message files into other languages, it is only

necessary to translate the "text" lines, ie lines starting with a #

sign.  Anything with a $ sign at the beginning should not be touched.

The above format for the message file matches the arguments for the

catgets() routine perfectly.  The catgets() routine requires the

set_number and the message_number to be integers, which of course they

are in the message file structure outlined above.  Thus to print the

first message from the second set:

	$set 2 #chmod


| +--------v

| |	$ #1 Original Message:(invalid mode)

| |	# invalid mode

| |

| |	$ #2 Original Message:(virtual memory exhausted)

| |	# virtual memory exhausted

| |	...

| |

| |   we use the following arguments:

| |

| |	printf(catgets(catfd, 2, 1, "invalid mode"));

| +------------------------------^


While the locale functions and routines will function perfectly, it

doesn't make for an intuitive way of writing software.  ie, whenever a

software developer needs to print a text message, they first need to

look up the message, find its set number and message number, and then

copy these into the software.  This can become unwieldy when software

needs to access several sets or catalogs or messages.  Looking up these

hard to remember numbers is a pain.

Instead of using an integer to refer to a set number or message number,

it would be much easier to use names or ascii text to refer to them.  We

can do this if we use #defines to map the ascii names to integers.

To do this requires a few additional steps (over using the standard

integer access methods).  The first thing to do is to change the message

identifiers from numbers to ascii names.  So instead of having:


	$ #1

	# text for message 1

	$ #2

	# text for message 2


We will have:


	$ #Label1

	# text for message 1

	$ #Label2

	# text for message 2

Note we do not need to make any alterations for the set numbering as a

name is already present for this.  The first line of every message file

contains 3 fields:

	$set 2 #chmod

The second field determines that this is the second set within this

message catalog.  The third field (minus the # sign) is the name which

can also be used to access this set.

The new message file looks like this:

	$set 2 #chmod

	$ #Invalid_Mode   Original Message:(invalid mode)

	# invalid mode

	$ #VM_exhausted   Original Message:(virtual memory exhausted)

	# virtual memory exhausted


To access the second message from this second set we can now use the

following code:

	printf(catgets(catfd, chmodSet, chmodVM_exhausted, "virtual memory


The set_number argument in the catopen() routine is always the set name

(chmod) appended with the word "Set" => "chmodSet".  The message_number

argument is always the set name (chmod) appended with the message id

string (VM_exhausted) => chmodVM_exhausted.

In order to use these ascii names however, the software needs to

associate these names with an integer because the catopen() routine only

accepts integers for the set_number and message_number arguments.  We

make this association by asking the gencat software (explained further

below in detail) to generate an include file which is used by the

software to map these names to integers.

For the above message file, the generated include file looks like this:

	#define chmodSet		0x2

	#define chmodInvalid_Mode	0x1

	#define chmodVM_exhausted	0x2


This header file was generated from the chmod.m message file.  We adopt

the practice of naming these header files as xxx-nls.h so in our case

this header file is called:


We now have one thing left to do and that is to include this header file

in the software.  So we now include the line:

	#include "chmod-nls.h"

at the beginning of our software.  With that, we can now take advantage

of a much more flexible and intuitive means of referring to message sets

and messages.


xtract is some software written using yacc to extract messages from

source code.  It needs to be compiled into a binary and can be found on


xtract searches through the source code for any string messages

contained within quotes, and prints out any it finds to stdout.

It is used as follows:

	xtract <source_code.c> message_file.m

eg, to extract the messages from file foobar.c and place them in the

message file foobar.m:

	xtract <foobar.c> foobar.m

The resulting message file contains all the messages that xtract could

find within the source.  The messages have all been placed in the

correct format.

A little bit of editing however is required of the resulting message

file.  The first two lines need to be deleted and in their place, an

appropriate "set" line needs to be inserted.


the original message file will look like this:

	$ #0 Original Message:(configuration probelms)

	# configuration problems

	$ #1 Original Message:(cannot open file)

	# cannot open file

	$ #2 Original Message:(error accessing file)

	# error accessing file


This is not in the correct message file format because it is lacking a

line to establish the set number for this message file.  Thus the

following line needs to be inserted at the very beginning of the message


	$set X #descriptor

where X = the set number for this message file

and descriptor is a suitable text descriptor for this set

Thus thus the resulting message file would look something like this:

	$set 17 #database

	$ #0 Original Message:(configuration probelms)

	# configuration problems

	$ #1 Original Message:(cannot open file)

	# cannot open file

	$ #2 Original Message:(error accessing file)

	# error accessing file



Gencat is the software used to compile message files into message

catalogs.  The command line switches it understands are detailed below:

gencat [-new] [-lang C|C++|ANSIC] catfile msgfile [-h <header-file>]

A description of the flags:

    -new        Erase the msg catalog and start a new one.

                The default behavior is to update the catalog with the

                specified msgfile(s).  This will instead cause the old

                one to be deleted and a whole new one started.

    -lang <l>   This governs the form of the include file.

                Currently supported is C, C++ and ANSIC.  The latter two are

                identical in output.  This argument is position dependent,

                you can switch the language back and forth in between

		include files if you care to.

    -h <hfile>  Output identifiers to the specified header files.

                This creates a header file with all of the appropriate

                #define's in it.  Without this it would be up to you to

                ensure that you keep your code in sync with the catalog file.

                The header file is created from all of the previous msgfiles

                on the command line, so the order of the command line is

                important.  This means that if you just put it at the end of

                the command line, all the defines will go in one file

                    gencat foo.m bar.m zap.m -h all.h

                If you prefer to keep your dependencies down you can specify

                one after each message file, and each .h file will receive

                only the identifiers from the previous message file

                    gencat foo.m -h foo.h bar.m -h bar.h zap.m -h zap.h

                As an added bonus, if you run the following sequence:

                    gencat foo.m -h foo.h

                the file foo.h will NOT be modified the second time.  gencat

                checks to see if the contents have changed before modifying

                things.  This means that you won't get spurious rebuilds of

                your source every time you change a message.  You can thus use

                a Makefile rule such as:

                MSGSRC=foo.m bar.m

                GENFLAGS=-or -lang C



                $(NLSLIB):      $(MSGSRC)

                        @for i in $?; do cmd="$(GENCAT) $(GENFLAGS) $@

$$i -h `b

asename $$i .m`.H"; echo $$cmd; $$cmd; done

                foo.o:  foo.h

                The for-loop isn't too pretty, but it works.  For each .m

                file that has changed we run gencat on it.  foo.o depends on

                the result of that gencat (foo.h) but foo.h won't actually

                be modified unless we changed the order (or added new members)

                to foo.m.

The gencat software has two purposes and is usually used in 2 passes. 

The first use is to generate the header files from the message files so

that the software can use descriptive names when referring to sets and


The following command will accomplish this:

	gencat -new /dev/null foobar.m -h foobar-nls.h

The gencat software will take the foobar.m message file and produce a

header file called foobar-nls.h which can the be included in the

software.  The -new and /dev/null flags indicate that gencat should also

generate a new message catalog but send the resultant catalog to the bit


If you want to generate multiple header files for multiple message

files, you have to use the following command:

	gencat -new /dev/null aaa.m -h aaa-nls.h bbb.m -h bbb-nls.m ....

This will generate a header file for each message file.  For each

message set that your software accesses, you will need to include the

corresponding header file.  If you would like to compile just one

solitary header file for all your message sets, the following command

can be used:

	gencat -new /dev/null aaa.m bbb.m ccc.m -h foobar-nls.m

The other use for the gencat software is in generating message catalogs

from the message files.  To generate a new message catalog, the

following command can be used:

	gencat -new foobar.cat foobar.m

This will take the foobat.m message file and compile it into a message

catalog called foobar.cat.  To compile multiple message sets into one

catalog, the following command can be used:

	gencat -new foobar.cat foobar1.m foobar2.m foobar3.m ...

The usual way for compiling message catalogs is via a Makefile.  In this

case, it is often easier to define a variable (say, MESSAGEFILES) to

contain the list of message files which need to be compiled into a

catalog.  eg, in the above example we would have a line within the

Makefile reading:

	MESSAGEFILES = foobar1.m foobar2.m foobar3.m ....

Then to compile these files into a catalog, we use the following line

within the Makefile:

	gencat -new foobar.cat $(MESSAGEFILES)

SECTION 3.	Writing locale software

3.1	Writing and modifying software to support message catalogs

So how do I modify or write new software that supports message catalogs?

 Here are the steps involved.

STEP 1:		(only applicable if modifying existing software)

	The first thing to do is to extract text messages from the existing

software and place them into a message file.  The xtract software is

used to do this.  Its operation is covered elsewhere in this document,

but briefly you use it as follows:

	source code == foobar.c

	message file == foobar.m

	xtract <foobar.c> foobar.m

	We now have to insert the appropriate set number declaration at the

beginning of the message file.  ie, insert a line:

		$set X #bbb

	where X = the set number for this message file

	    bbb = the variable name used to access this message set

STEP 2:		(only applicable if creating a new message file)

	If creating a new message file from scratch, it is important to

remember the correct order and structure of the message file.  There are

3 key elements of a message file:

		- the message set identifier

		- the actual message identifier

		- the text for each message identifier

	The format of the message file has been covered in an earlier section

of this document.  This format must be adhered to otherwise problems

will arise when compiling the message files into a message catalog.

	Briefly, the format must be as follows:

		$set 2 #chmod

		$ #Invalid_Mode   Original Message:(invalid mode)

		# invalid mode

		$ #VM_exhausted   Original Message:(virtual memory exhausted)

		# virtual memory exhausted


	The first line is the message set identifier.  All other lines starting

with a $ sign are message identifiers.  The lines immediately following

these are the actual messages displayed.


	Whether modifying a message file extracted from step 1, or creating a

new message file from scratch, it is much easier to use names to refer

to messages and sets rather than numbers.  To use names, we need to

assign a unique name to be the set identifier, and assign unique names

to the messages within that set.

	The first line of every message file is the set identifier line.  Its

format is as follows:

		$set X #bbb

	where X = the set number for this message file

	    bbb = the name used to access this message set

	X must be a unique number for this set.  So too does the name (bbb). 

Subsequent accesses to this set can either use the number (X) as the set

identifier or the set name (bbb).  It is up to you which you decide to

use.  However if you do decide to use the set name, remember that in

your software, you must append the set name with the word "Set" to

access it.  ie, the complete set name for accessing this set is "bbbSet".


	Now that we are using names as set identifiers and message identifiers,

we have to create a header file which maps these names to integers which

can be used by the message catalog routines within libc.  The gencat

software is used to generate a header file from a message file.  Its

operation is explained elsewhere in this document.  But briefly, we use

the following command and arguments to generate the header file:

	Message file == foobar.m

	Header file == foobar-nls.h

		gencat -new /dev/null foobar.m -h foobar-nls.h

	Gencat will then take the message file listed and generate an

appropriate set of defines in the header file.  This header file must

now be included in the software.

	We recommend adopting the practise of naming your gencat generated

header files "xxx-nls.h".  The "-nls" name will help you to distinguish

locale specific header files from other header files used by your



	We are now ready to start modifying the source code.  The first thing

we need to do is to include the appropriate header files.  We will

usually need to include at least 3 files:

		#include <locale.h"

		#include <nl_types.h>

		#include "foobar-nls.h"

	The first header file <locale.h> defines various variables used by the

setlocale() and other C routines, such as the LC_* variables


	The second header file <nl_types.h> defines variables that are used by

the catopen() and catclose() routines and also defines the nl_catd

catalog file descriptor variable.

	The third header file is the set of defines for the message file(s)

used by your software and allows you to use names in catgets() routines

when referring to message and sets.


	The next thing to do is to declare one or more global catalog

descriptor variables.  We need a catalog descriptor when we access a

message catalog.  Usually, software will only need to access their own

message catalog and hence we only need to define one message catalog

descriptor.  This is defined before main():

		/* Message catalog descriptor */

		static nl_catd catfd = -1;

	Now whenever we need to refer to or access the message catalog, we use

the catfd file descriptor variable.


	Within main() the first thing we need to do is to set the locale used

by the software.  This is done by calling the setlocale() function.  The

operation of the setlocale() routine is described elsewhere in this

document.  However the usual arguments when dealing with message

catalogs is to use the following form:


	This will set the LC_MESSAGE locale routines, to the appropriate

directory as specified by the user within their environment variables.


	We now have the software accessing the proper directories when it needs

to look for message catalogs and/or other locale information.  We now

need to open the message catalog used by our software.  This is achieved

by using the catopen() routine.

	The easiest way to do this is to use the following line:

		catfd = catopen("foobar",MCLoadBySet);

	The catopen() routine has 2 arguments: the name of the message catalog

to open, and the type of loading desired.  Message catalogs are usually

stored in the appropriate directory as:


	However, we do not need to include the ".cat" extension when using

catopen() to open the catalog.  Indeed adding the ".cat" extension will

most likely cause the catopen() routine to fail to open the message

catalog and you will be left using the default message stored within

your software.

	The type of loading desired is either to load the message catalog a set

at a time or to load the complete set into memory all at once. 

Obviously loading the catalog set by set uses up less memory than

loading the complete catalog at once.  However, access will be slightly

slower because each new access to a different set will require the new

set to be loaded into memory.  The choice is left to the programmer.

	A more robust way of opening and initializing the message catalog is

presented below.  Software often spans multiple subroutines and files

and a message catalog may be opened and closed in many different places.

 It can sometimes become tricky to keep track of whether a catalog is

open or closed.  To alleviate this, it is helpful to define a catalog

initialization routine which checks to see if the catalog is currently

open.  If not, it opens the catalog.  This 5 line routine is presented


		catinit ()


			if (catfd == (nl_catd)-1)

				catfd = catopen("foobar",MCLoadBySet);


	The routine first checks to see if the catalog is open.  If it is, it

immediately returns.  If not, it opens the message catalog and then

returns.  It is thus fairly easy to insert this catinit() routine into

your source code and various subroutines.  The first time you call this

routine should be immediately after the setlocale() line in main(). 

Thereafter, you can call this routine whenever you are unsure whether

the catalog is open or closed.


	Now we are finally ready to start accessing the message catalog and

retrieving messages from it.  We do this via the catgets() routine.

	The catgets() function has 4 arguments.

		catgets(catfd, set_identifier, message_identifier, *message);

	The catfd catalog descriptor is the descriptor returned from the

catinit() or catopen() routines.  It is used by the catgets() function

to determine which message catalog to access (more than one message

catalog may be opened at one time within the software).

	The set_identifier is the variable used to identify which set to access

within the message catalog.  This can either be the set number or else

the set name (which needs to be appended with the word "Set").

	The message_identifier is the name or number used to identifier a

particular message within the set.  If the name is used, it must be

remembered that the name of the set must be prepended to the message


	The *message is the default string which is used if the catgets routine

cannot access the message catalog (perhaps it was not installed or

cannot be read).  It can be a unique message.


		catgets(catfd, errorsSet, errorsVM_exhausted, "Virtual memory has been


	this will attempt to obtain the VM_exhausted message from the errors

set.  If successful, the retrieved message is pointed to.  If not, then

the text string "Virtual memory has been exhausted" is used in its place.

	We recommend that you adopt the practice of always using the standard

English messages as the default string.  If the catalog cannot be opened

for any reason, then the software will resort to using the standard

English messages which are stored internally within the compiled binary.

	The catgets() routine merely returns a pointer to an internal buffer

area containing the null-terminated message string.  We need to print

out this message string to the user.  Hence we just encapsulate the

catgets() routine around a printf() statement.  This will ensure the

message is printed out.


		printf(catgets(catfd, errorsSet, errorsVM_Exhausted, "Virtual memory

has been exhausted"));

	This will attempt to access the desired message and print it out.  It

will either successfully retrieve the message and print it out, or else

print out the default message.

	A few examples of the old approach (hard coded messages) versus the new

approach (message catalogs) will illustrate how to use the catgets()


	Example 1:


		printf("Incorrect read permission");


		printf(catgets(catfd, errorsSet, errorsIncorrect_Perm, "incorrect read


	Example 2:


		printf("Cannot change to directory %s", dir_name);


		(extract from the message catalog)


		$ #Cant_chdir

		# Cannot change to directory %s


		printf(catgets(catfd, errorsSet, errorsCant_chdir, "Cannot change to

directory %s"), dir_name);

	Variables and other printf formatting codes are used transparently. 

The codes can easily be included within the message files and catalogs

as can all escape codes.

STEP 10:

	Just before the software is about to exit (or when we have finished

using a message catalog), we need to close the catalog.  The simple line

to do this is:


And that's basically it.  Little or no error checking needs to be done. 

If the catalog cannot be opened for any reason, then the software uses

the default stored message.  It is a good idea though to check for

errors while debugging the software.  There are many reasons why the

catalog cannot be opened by the operating system (incorrect directory

location, incorrect name, incorrect file permissions, incorrect set or

message identifiers, etc) and checking for these errors while debugging

can help correct these mistakes.

Below is a sample program that incorporates all of the features

necessary to employ message catalogs:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <nl_types.h>

#include <locale.h>

#include "foobar-nls.h"

static nl_catd catfd = -1;

void main()


	char temp_name;


	catinit ();

	printf(catgets(catfd, foobarSet, foobarRandom_Name, "Random text with

string %s"), temp_name);




catinit ()


	if (catfd != (nl_catd)-1)

		catfd = catopen("foobar",MCLoadBySet);



A Makefile for the above program is given below:


all: foobar catalog

foobar: foobar.o

	gcc -o foobar -O2 foobar.c

foobar.o: foobar-nls.h

foobar-nls.h: foobar-nls.m

	gencat -new /dev/null foobar-nls.m -h foobar-nls.h


	gencat -new foobar.cat foobar.m

install: all

	install -o root -m 0755 foobar /usr/local/bin

	install -o root -m 0755 foobar.cat /etc/locale/C


	/bin/rm -f foobar *.o foobar-nls.h foobar.cat core


It is up to you where you group the message files.  It may be easier to

group the message files in another directory and separate the source

code from the message files.

3.2	Writing software that is to be used on locale and non-locale systems

It is fairly easy to abstract out the locale specific functions from the

rest of the code.  The usual method of doing this is via a define


eg, within the Makefile add the following:


	foobar.o	foobar.c

		gcc $(DEFINES) foobar.c

Now within foobar.c we have the following:

	#ifdef NLS

		printf(catgets(catfd, chmodSet, chmodVM_exhausted, "Virtual Memory



		printf("Virtual Memory exhausted");


These #ifdef/#endif statements will need to surround every locale

specific function.  These will include the <locale.h> and <nl_types.h>

include files, the catfd static descriptor variable, the catinit()

routine, catopen(), catclose(), catgets(), and setlocale().  As can be

seen, this can get quite messy and can make the code very hard to read. 

A solution to using all the #ifdef NLS/#endif statements involves using

a macro for the software.

The macro file would include all the #include and variable descriptors

for the locale specific version as well as defining routines to handle

printing messages in both a locale capable system and a non-capable

system.  A sample macro package has been included below:


#ifdef NLS

#include <locale.h>

#include <nl_types.h>

extern nl_catd catfd;

void catinit ();


/* Define Macros used */

#ifdef NLS

#define NLS_CATCLOSE(catfd) catclose (catfd);

#define NLS_CATINIT catinit ();

#define NLS_CATGETS(catfd, arg1, arg2, fmt) \

    catgets ((catfd), (arg1), (arg2), (fmt))


#define NLS_CATCLOSE(catfd) /* empty */

#define NLS_CATINIT /* empty */

#define NLS_CATGETS(catfd, arg1, arg2, fmt) fmt



Now instead of having to do:

	#ifdef NLS

		printf(catgets(catfd, chmodSet, chmodVM_exhausted, "Virtual Memory



		printf("Virtual Memory exhausted");


all the time, we could rewrite this as:

	printf(NLS_CATGETS(catfd, chmodSet, chmodVM_exhausted, "Virtual Memory


This will handle both cases very easily.  Hence the changes now needed

to support a locale version and a non-locale version are:

- include a -DNLS define in the makefile if the system supports locale


- #include the macro file into your source code

- surround your

	#include "foobar-nls.h"

   with #ifdef NLS/#endif statements.

Section 4.	Where are the message catalogs stored?

The following is the situation as I have managed to ascertain from

various people.  It should only be regarded as a very rough guide until

I have had time to check the X/Open Portability Guide 4 standards.

Message catalogs and other locale attributes are stored in a nest of

subdirectories.  The nest has two possible base points:



The first is used by the software accompanying the base operating

system.  The second is used by externally installed packages - packages

which are not considered part of the base OS.

Under these directories, we now have the following subdirectories:







Notes: These are not to be confused with the variables of the same name.

 These are the actual subdirectory names and do not change (unlike their

variable counterparts).  To avoid confusion, the variables will now be

referred to as $(LC_MESSAGES) etc.

Under these subdirectories are the various country subdirectories.

eg, under /usr/lib/locale/LC_MESSAGES we could have the following directories:


	POSIX       ->   C




And under these directories, the language and code specific message

catalogs are stored.  Hence, the message catalog for the "ls" binary on

an American English speaking system would be stored under:


The general format is as follows:


	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

	     root         category    lang    catalog

The root does not change - its either /usr/lib/locale for system

software or /usr/local/lib/locale for externally installed software.

The category is only dependent upon the type of locale functions the

software is attempting to access.  If the software was looking up

information on the monetary variables for the particular locale, then it

would be searching in:


for the information.

The lang component is possibly the most important and is the component

that determines which variables and directories the system searches in

to obtain the info it needs.  The format of the lang component is as



The following examples will illustrate it:

	en_US.88591		English language in the USA using the ISO 88591 character set

	de_DE.88591		German language in Germany using the ISO 88591 character set

	fr_BE.88591		French language in Belgium using the ISO 88591 character set

The lang component is set by the user through the $(LANG) environment

variable.  The user will establish the correct language, country and

character set, and set his $(LANG) environment variable accordingly. 

The OS will then use the $(LANG) environment variable when searching the

appropriate subdirectories to find the information or message catalogs

that it needs - as detailed by the setlocale() command.

We've outlined the two default places above that the system uses to

store message catalogs and other locale attributes.  However, the system

must also be able to handle users who cannot install message catalogs in

either of these places (doing so usually requires superuser privileges)

and instead must install message catalogs within their own personal home

directories.  The system can accommodate message catalogs store here (or

in any other non-standard place) by the use of the NLSPATH environment


The NLSPATH environment variable lists directories which the OS examines

to find the necessary message catalogs.




		where	%L represents the value of the LANG environment variable

		and	%N = the name of the catalog

		These two values (%L and %N) are substituted by the OS at evaluation time.

The the user can store their own message catalogs within their home

directories and have the system automatically access them.  They can

even override the default message catalogs stored on the system by

rearranging the order of the entries for the NLSPATH environment


Section 5.	Frequently Asked Questions

Q.	How do I know if the Unix platform I am using supports the locale routines?

A.	A Unix platform that supports the full range of locale functions must

have two include files:


	and	nl_types.h

These are usually found in /usr/include.  If one or both of these files

are missing, then the OS may only support a subset of the locale

functions.  Both are included with Linux.

The material covered in this document is variously copyrighted by

Alfalfa Software, Mitchum DSouza, and Patrick D'Cruze  -  1989-1994.

Please send any suggestions, feedback, or notification of errors to the

author.  I can be contacted at:

