Perl in a Nutshell

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18.16 The Optionmenu Widget

Use the Optionmenu method to create an option menu, in which the selected item is the value displayed. For example:

$mainwindow->OptionMenu(-textvariable => \$platform,
        -options => [ [ "UNIX", "unix" ],
		      [ "Windows NT", "winnt" ],
		      [ "Macintosh", "mac" ] ]) -> pack;
The -options argument takes a list of menu items. If the description of the menu items that are displayed are different from the values stored, the menu items are themselves written as two-item lists.

The standard configuration options that apply to Optionmenu are: -activebackground, -activeforeground, -background, -bg, -bitmap, -borderwidth, -bw, -cursor, -disabledforeground, -font, -foreground, -fg, -highlightbackground, -highlightcolor, -highlightthickness, -image, -justify, -relief, -state, -takefocus, -underline, -width, and -wraplength.

Other options are:

-command => callback

The command to execute when a selection is made, with its arguments being the values of the -textvariable and -variable options.

-indicatoron => boolean

Determines whether or not to display an indicator.

-menu => $menu

Displays the menu associated with $menu.

-options => list

Lists the menu options, as described above.

-tearoff => boolean

Whether or not to allow the menu to be "torn off." Default is 1.

-text => string

Specifies the text to display as a label for the option menu.

-textvariable => \$variable

Points to the variable containing text to be displayed in the option menu.

-variable => \$variable

Points to a variable containing a stored value, distinct from the value shown in the option menu.

Previous: 18.15 The Menu WidgetPerl in a NutshellNext: 18.17 The Frame Widget
18.15 The Menu WidgetBook Index18.17 The Frame Widget
