Programming Perl

Programming PerlSearch this book
Previous: 7.2.61 Symbol - Generate Anonymous Globs; Qualify Variable NamesChapter 7
The Standard Perl Library
Next: 7.2.63 Sys::Syslog - Perl Interface to UNIX syslog(3) Calls

7.2.62 Sys::Hostname - Try Every Conceivable Way to Get Hostname

use Sys::Hostname;
$host = hostname();

Attempts several methods of getting the system hostname and then caches the result. It tries syscall(SYS_gethostname), `hostname`, `uname -n`, and the file /com/host. If all that fails, it croak()s.

All nulls, returns, and newlines are removed from the result.

Previous: 7.2.61 Symbol - Generate Anonymous Globs; Qualify Variable NamesProgramming PerlNext: 7.2.63 Sys::Syslog - Perl Interface to UNIX syslog(3) Calls
7.2.61 Symbol - Generate Anonymous Globs; Qualify Variable NamesBook Index7.2.63 Sys::Syslog - Perl Interface to UNIX syslog(3) Calls
