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hash mark (#) : Handling reserved and unsafe characters
for RGB color values : The color attribute
for fragment identifiers : The http document fragment
for special characters : Inserting Special Characters
header <HEAD> tags : HTML Skeleton
header cells in tables : The colspan attribute
Content-type : The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
horizontal rules with : Using Rules in Headers and Footers
refresh : Uniquely Refreshing
and other header fields : Combining Refresh with Other HTTP Header Fields
in tables : Missing Features
headers in HTML documents
Structure of an HTML Document
The Document Header
heading <H#> tags
allowed content with : Allowed Heading Content
graphics in : Adding Images to Headings
side : Side Heads
straddling multiple columns : Straddle Heads
HEIGHT attribute (<APPLET> tag) : The height and width attributes
HEIGHT attribute (<IMG> tag) : The height and width attributes
HEIGHT attribute (<MARQUEE> tag) : The height and width attributes
helper applications
client-pull and : Pulling Non-HTML Content
for referenced files : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
hidden fields : Hidden Fields
of the Internet : In the Beginning
of World Wide Web : HTML and the World Wide Web
home directory in URLs : The http path
home pages : The Flow of Information
of table captions : The align attribute
scrollbars : The scrolling attribute
spacing around table cells : The <hspace> and <vspace> attributes
horizontal rules
Horizontal rules
Using Horizontal Rules
horizontal space around graphics : The hspace and vspace attributes
HotJava (Sun Microsystems) : Executable Applications
HotJava browser : Browser software
coordinates of : The coords attribute
shapes of : The shape attribute
HREF attribute (<A> tag)
The href attribute
HREF attribute (<AREA> tag) : The href attribute
HREF attribute (<BASE> tag) : The href attribute
HREF attribute (<LINK> tag) : The href attribute
HSPACE (horizontal space) attribute (<IMG> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE attribute (<APPLET> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE attribute (<MARQUEE> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE attribute (<TABLE> tag) : The <hspace> and <vspace> attributes
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) : HTML: What It Is
DTD for : The HTML DTD
extensions to
HTML Standards and Extensions
Nonstandard Extensions
limitations of : Specific Limitations of HTML
tag grammar : HTML Grammar
text editors for
Word processor or HTML editor?
Writing Tools
version 3.0 : HTML Standards and Extensions
HTML attributes
HTML Embedded Tags
The Syntax of a Tag
ACTION (<FORM> tag) : The action attribute
ALIGN (<APPLET> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<CAPTION> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<DIV> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<HR> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<IMG> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<MARQUEE> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (<P> tag) : The align attribute
ALIGN (heading tags) : The align attribute
ALIGN (in table tags)
The align attribute
The align attribute
The align and valign attributes
ALINK (<BODY> tag) : The link, vlink, and alink attributes
ALT (<APPLET> tag) : The alt attribute
ALT (<IMG> tag) : The alt attribute
BACKGROUND (<BODY> tag) : The background attribute
BEHAVIOR (<MARQUEE> tag) : The behavior, direction, and loop attributes
BGCOLOR (<BODY> tag) : The bgcolor attribute
BGCOLOR (<MARQUEE> tag) : The bgcolor attribute
BGCOLOR (in table tags)
The bgcolor attribute
The bgcolor attribute
The bgcolor attribute
BGPROPERTIES (<BODY> tag) : The bgproperties attribute
BORDER (<IMG> tag) : The border attribute
The border attribute
Combining border, cellspacing, and cellpadding attributes
BORDERCOLOR (in table tags)
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
BORDERCOLORDARK (in table tags)
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
BORDERCOLORLIGHT (in table tags)
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
CELLPADDING (<TABLE> tag) : The cellpadding attribute
The cellspacing attribute
Combining border, cellspacing, and cellpadding attributes
Radio Buttons
CLEAR (<BR> tag) : The clear attribute
CODE (<APPLET> tag) : The code attribute
CODEBASE (<APPLET> tag) : The codebase attribute
COLS (columns) (<FRAMESET> tag) : The <rows> and <cols> attributes
COLS (columns) (<TEXTAREA> tag) : The rows and cols attributes
COLSPAN (column span) (<TD> and <TH> tags) : The colspan attribute
COMPACT (for list tags)
Compact unordered lists
Compact ordered lists
The <dir> Tag
The <menu> Tag
More compact definition lists
The content attribute
The Refresh Header Contents
CONTROLS (<IMG> tag) : The controls attribute
COORDS (coordinates) (<AREA> tag) : The coords attribute
DIRECTION (<MARQUEE> tag) : The behavior, direction, and loop attributes
DYNSRC (<IMG> tag) : The dynsrc attribute
ENCTYPE (<FORM> tag) : The enctype attribute
HEIGHT (<APPLET> tag) : The height and width attributes
HEIGHT (<IMG> tag) : The height and width attributes
HEIGHT (<MARQUEE> tag) : The height and width attributes
HREF (<A> tag)
The href attribute
HREF (<AREA> tag) : The href attribute
HREF (<BASE> tag) : The href attribute
HREF (<LINK> tag) : The href attribute
HSPACE (<APPLET> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE (<IMG> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE (<MARQUEE> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
HSPACE (<TABLE> tag) : The <hspace> and <vspace> attributes
The http-equiv attribute
Uniquely Refreshing
ISMAP (<IMG> tag) : The ismap and usemap attributes
ISMAP (image map) (<IMG> tag) : The ismap <img> attribute
LEFTMARGIN (<BODY> tag) : The leftmargin attribute
LINK (<BODY> tag) : The link, vlink, and alink attributes
LOOP (<BGSOUND> tag) : The loop attribute
LOOP (<IMG> tag) : The loop attribute
LOOP (<MARQUEE> tag) : The behavior, direction, and loop attributes
LOWSRC (<IMG> tag) : The lowsrc attribute
MARGINHEIGHT attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
MARGINWIDTH attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
MAXLENGTH (<FORM> tag) : Conventional text fields
METHOD (<A> tag) : The method attribute
METHOD (<FORM> tag) : The method attribute
METHODS (<LINK> tag) : The methods attribute
MULTIPLE (<SELECT> tag) : The multiple attribute
N (<NEXTID> tag) : The n attribute
NAME (<A> tag)
Hyperlink Names and Navigation
The name attribute
NAME (<APPLET> tag) : The name attribute
NAME (<FORM> tag) : The <input> Tag
NAME (<META> tag) : The name attribute
NAME (<PARAM> tag) : The name and value attributes
NAME attribute (<FRAME> tag : Frame Tags
NAME attribute (<FRAME> tag)
The name attribute
Named Frame or Window Targets
NOHREF (<AREA> tag) : The nohref attribute
NORESIZE attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The noresize attribute
NOSHADE (<HR> tag) : The noshade attribute
NOWRAP (<TD> and <TG> tags) : The nowrap attribute
PROMPT (<ISINDEX> tag) : The prompt attribute (Netscape only)
REL (relationship) (<A> tag) : The rel and rev attributes
REL (relationship) (<LINK> tag) : The rel and rev attributes
REV (reverse relationship) (<A> tag) : The rel and rev attributes
REV (reverse relationship) (<LINK> tag) : The rel and rev attributes
ROWS (<FRAMESET> tag) : The <rows> and <cols> attributes
ROWS (<TEXTAREA> tag) : The rows and cols attributes
ROWSPAN (row span) (<TD> and <TH> tags) : The rowspan attribute
SCROLLAMOUNT (<MARQUEE> tag) : The scrollamount and scrolldelay attributes
SCROLLDELAY (<MARQUEE> tag) : The scrollamount and scrolldelay attributes
SCROLLING attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The scrolling attribute
SELECTED (<OPTION> tag) : The selected attribute
SHAPE (<AREA> tag) : The shape attribute
SIZE (<FORM> tag) : Conventional text fields
SIZE (<HR> tag) : The size attribute
SIZE (<SELECT> tag) : The size attribute
SRC (<BGSOUND> tag) : The src attribute
SRC (<IMG> tag) : The src attribute
SRC (source) (<FRAME> tag) : The src attribute
START (<IMG> tag) : The start attribute
START (<OL> tag) : The start attribute
TARGET (<A> tag) : The target attribute (Netscape only)
TARGET (<BASE> tag) : The target attribute
TARGET attribute (<A> tag)
Frame Tags
The target Attribute for the <a> Tag
TARGET attribute (<BASE> tag) : The <base> Default Target
TEXT (<BODY> tag) : The text attribute
TITLE (<A> tag) : The title attribute
TITLE (<LINK> tag) : The title attribute
TOPMARGIN (<BODY> tag) : The topmargin attribute
TYPE (for list tags)
Changing item bullets in unordered lists
Changing the numbering style in ordered lists
The type attribute
URN (uniform resource name) (<A> tag) : The urn attribute
URN (uniform resource name) (<LINK> tag) : The urn attribute
USEMAP (<IMG> tag) : The ismap and usemap attributes
USEMAP (image map) (<IMG> tag) : The usemap <img> Attribute
VALIGN (<CAPTION> tag) : The valign attribute
VALIGN (in table tags)
The valign attribute
The valign attribute
The align and valign attributes
VALUE (<FORM> tag) : Conventional text fields
VALUE (<OPTION> tag) : The value attribute
VALUE (<PARAM> tag) : The name and value attributes
VALUE (for list tags)
The value attribute
The <dir> Tag
The <menu> Tag
VERSION (<HTML> tag) : The version attribute
VLINK (<BODY> tag) : The link, vlink, and alink attributes
VSPACE (<APPLET> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
VSPACE (<IMG> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
VSPACE (<MARQUEE> tag) : The hspace and vspace attributes
VSPACE (<TABLE> tag) : The <hspace> and <vspace> attributes
WIDTH (<APPLET> tag) : The height and width attributes
WIDTH (<HR> tag) : The width attribute
WIDTH (<IMG> tag) : The height and width attributes
WIDTH (<MARQUEE> tag) : The height and width attributes
WIDTH (<PRE> tag) : The width attribute
WIDTH (in table tags)
The width attribute
The width attribute
WRAP (<TEXTAREA> tag) : The wrap attribute
HTML documents
Clients, Servers, and Browsers
Anatomy of an HTML Document
automation : Supporting Document Automation
background graphics : The background attribute
body content of : The <body> Tag
boilerplates : Boilerplate HTML Documents
citations in : The <cite> Tag
comments in
designing for audience : Design for Your Audience
dynamic : Netscape Dynamic Documents
filling areas : Resized and flood-filling images
formatting : Content Versus Appearance
frames in : Frames
headers in
Structure of an HTML Document
The Document Header
headings in
home pages : The Flow of Information
linked to self : Hyperlink Names and Navigation
linking effectively : Creating Effective Links
links in : Hyperlinks
lists in : The <ul> Tag
multicolumn pages : Multicolumn Pages
multimedia in : Multimedia
organizing via hyperlinks : Hyperlink Names and Navigation
paragraphs : The <p> Tag
paths for : The http path
referenced files : Embedded Versus Referenced Content
refreshing : Uniquely Refreshing
relationships between : Establishing Document Relationships
searchable : Creating Searchable Documents
segmenting : Speeding Image Downloads
software code in : The <code> Tag
table of contents in : Linking Within a Document
tables in : Tables
text-only : When to Use Text
titles for : HTML Skeleton
titles in
with <A> tags : The title attribute
with <LINK> tag : The title attribute
titles of : The <title> Tag
HTML tags
embedding : HTML Embedded Tags
formatting style for : Appearances Can Deceive
grammar of : HTML Grammar
<!-- --> (comments)
<A> (anchor)
Embedded Versus Referenced Content
<A> (anchor) tags : The <a> Tag
<ADDRESS> tags : The <address> Tag
<APPLET> : The <applet> Tag
<AREA> : The <area> Tag
<B> (bold) : Physical styles
<B> (boldface) : The <b> Tag
The <base> Header Element
The <base> Default Target
The <basefont> Tag
The <font> Tag
<BGSOUND> tag : The <bgsound> Tag
<BIG> (larger font) : The <big> Tag
The <blink> Tag
Trivial or Abusive?
<BLOCKQUOTE> tags : The <blockquote> Tag
HTML Skeleton
Structure of an HTML Document
Extensions to the <body> Tag
multiple-body bug : Beyond Extensions: Exploiting Bugs
<BODY> tags : The <body> Tag
<BR> (line break) tag : Paragraphs and line breaks
<BR> (line break) tags : The <br> Tag
<CAPTION> : The <caption> Tag
<CENTER> tags : The <center> Tag
<CITE> (citation) : The <cite> Tag
<CODE> : Content-based text styles
<CODE> (software code) : The <code> Tag
<COMMENT> (for Explorer)
Ignored or Redundant Tags
<DD> (definition)
The <dl> Tag
The <dd> Tag
<DFN> (definition)
Content-based text styles
The <dfn> Tag
<DIR> (directory list) tags
The <li> Tag
The <dir> Tag
<DIV> (explicit division) tag : The <div> Tag
<DL> (definition list) tags : Definition Lists
<DT> (definition term) : The <dt> Tag
<DT> (definition) : The <dl> Tag
<EM> (emphasis)
Content-based text styles
The <em> Tag
<FORM> : The <form> Tag
Frame Tags
The <frame> Tag
Frame Tags
Frame Layout
<H1>, <H2>, ... (heading) tags
<HEAD> : HTML Skeleton
<HEAD> (header) : Structure of an HTML Document
<HEAD> (header) tags : The <head> Tag
<HR> (horizontal rule)
Horizontal rules
The <hr> Tag
HTML Skeleton
Structure of an HTML Document
<HTML> tags : The <html> Tag
<I> (italic) : The <i> Tag
<I> (italics)
HTML Embedded Tags
Physical styles
<IMG> (graphics)
The <img> Tag
Mouse-Sensitive Images
<INPUT> : Form Input Elements
<ISINDEX> tag : The <isindex> Element
<KBD> (keyboard text)
Content-based text styles
The <kbd> Tag
<LI> (list item) : The <li> Tag
The rel and rev attributes
The <link> Header Element
<LISTING> tags : The <listing> Tag
<MAP> : The <map> Tag
The <marquee> Tag
Title Marquee
<MENU> (menu list) tags
The <li> Tag
Menu Lists
The <meta> Header Element
Client-Pull Documents
<NEXTID> : The <nextid> Header Element
<NOBR> (no line break) : The <center> Tag
<NOBR> (no line break) tag : The <nobr> Tag
Frame Tags
The <noframes> Tag
<OL> (ordered list) tags : The <ol> Tag
<OPTION> : The <option> Tag
<P> (paragraph break) tag : Paragraphs and line breaks
<P> (paragraph break) tags : The <p> Tag
<PARAM> (applet parameters) : The <param> Tag
<PLAINTEXT> tags : The <plaintext> Tag
<PRE> (preformatted text)
Preformatted text
<PRE> (preformatted text) tags : The <pre> Tag
<S> (strikeout) : The <s> Tag
<SAMP> (literal text) : The <samp> Tag
<SAMP> (sample text) : Content-based text styles
<SELECT> : The <select> Tag
<SMALL> (smaler font) : The <small> Tag
<STRIKE> (strikeout) : The <strike> Tag
Content-based text styles
The <strong> Tag
<SUB> (subscript) : The <sub> Tag
<SUP> (superscript) : The <sup> Tag
<TABLE> : The <table> Tag
<TD> (table data) : The <td> and <th> Tags
<TEXTAREA> : The <textarea> Tag
<TH> (table header) : The <td> and <th> Tags
<TITLE> : HTML Skeleton
<TITLE> tags : The <title> Tag
<TR> (table row) : The <tr> Tag
<TT> (typewriter text)
Physical styles
The <tt> Tag
<U> (underline) : The <u> Tag
<UL> (unordered list) tags : The <ul> Tag
<VAR> (variable name text) : The <var> Tag
<VAR> (variable text) : Content-based text styles
<WBR> (window line break) : The <center> Tag
<WBR> (window line break) tag : The <wbr> Tag
<XMP> (example) tags : The <xmp> Tag
nesting : Proper and Improper Nesting
quick reference for : HTML Tag Quick Reference
slash (/) in : Start and End Tags
start/end pairs : Starting and Ending Tags
syntax of : The Syntax of a Tag
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) : The Flow of Information
http servers : The http URL
http URLs : The http URL
HTTP-EQUIV attribute (<META> tag)
The http-equiv attribute
Uniquely Refreshing
httpd, server-push example for : Server-push example application for NCSA httpd
Hypertext Basics
Creating Hyperlinks
Creating Hyperlinks
color of
The link, vlink, and alink attributes
Problems with background, text, and link colors
to external files : Embedded Versus Referenced Content
into frames : The src attribute
graphics as
Removing the image border
The ismap and usemap attributes
Using Images and Links
Mouse-Sensitive Images
inline : Inline References
names of : Hyperlink Names and Navigation
to non-HTML documents : Anchors Beyond HTML
to same document
Hyperlink Names and Navigation
The http document fragment
Frame Tags
The name attribute
Named Frame or Window Targets
using effectively : Creating Effective Links
hypertext links : Hyperlinks
for especially large graphics : Speeding Image Downloads
Hypertext Markup Language : The Flow of Information
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) : The Flow of Information

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