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mailto URLs : The mailto URL
MARGINHEIGHT attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
margins : The leftmargin attribute
around frames : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
around table cells : The <hspace> and <vspace> attributes
LEFTMARGIN attribute (<BODY> tag) : The leftmargin attribute
TOPMARGIN attribute (<BODY> tag) : The topmargin attribute
MARGINWIDTH attribute (<FRAME> tag) : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
masked text-entry fields : Masked text fields
MAXLENGTH attribute (<FORM> tag) : Conventional text fields
menu lists : Menu Lists
<LI> tags in : The <li> Tag
messages, news : Accessing single messages
METHOD attribute (<A> tag) : The method attribute
METHOD attribute (<FORM> tag) : The method attribute
METHODS attribute (<LINK> tag) : The methods attribute
Microsoft Word : Word processor or HTML editor?
MIDI audio format : The src attribute
file suffixes for : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) : Server-Push Documents
more than (>) : Special text characters
Mosaic browser
HTML and the World Wide Web
Browser software
mouse-sensitive images : Mouse-Sensitive Images
moving text : The <marquee> Tag
MPEG movie format
file suffixes for : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
multiline text-entry fields : Multiline Text Areas
multimedia : Multimedia
applets : Executable Applications
audio files : Background Audio
improving with client-pull : Pulling Non-HTML Content
referenced : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
video attributes to <IMG> : Internet Explorer <img> Attributes for Video
multipart documents : The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
multipart/form-data type
The enctype attribute
The enctype attribute
multipart/mixed-media type : The Multipart/Mixed-Media Type
multipart/mixed-replace-media type : Multipart Mixed-Replace-Media Type
MULTIPLE attribute (<SELECT> tag) : The multiple attribute
multiple-choice form elements : Multiple Choice Elements
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images

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