
Symbols | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


page layout
Content Versus Appearance
HTML and Text
paragraph break <P> tag : Paragraphs and line breaks
paragraph break <P> tags : The <p> Tag
allowed content with : Allowed paragraph content
parameters, named : Using named parameters with GET applications
password (TYPE attribute value) : Masked text fields
in FTP URLs : The ftp user and password
in telnet URLs : The telnet user and password
FTP : The ftp path and transfer type
Gopher : The gopher path
http : The http path
percent sign (%) for encoding form data : The enctype attribute
of client-pull documents : Performance Considerations
of server-push documents : Efficiency considerations
physical (WRAP attribute value) : The wrap attribute
physical style tags
Appearances Can Deceive
Physical Styles
<B> (bold) : Physical styles
<B> (boldface) : The <b> Tag
<BIG> (larger font) : The <big> Tag
The <blink> Tag
Trivial or Abusive?
<I> (italic) : The <i> Tag
<I> (italics)
HTML Embedded Tags
Physical styles
<MARQUEE> : Title Marquee
<S> (strikeout) : The <s> Tag
<SMALL> (smaller font) : The <small> Tag
<STRIKE> (strikeout) : The <strike> Tag
<SUB> (subscript) : The <sub> Tag
<SUP> (superscript) : The <sup> Tag
<TT> (typewriter text)
Physical styles
The <tt> Tag
<U> (underline) : The <u> Tag
PICT image format
file suffixes for : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
pixels : The size attribute
coordinates of (image maps) : The ismap <img> attribute
filling areas with : Resized and flood-filling images
interlacing : Interlacing and transparency
plugin software : Embedding Other Document Types
plus sign (+)
as encoded space characters : The enctype attribute
in query URLs : The query URL
http : The http port
FTP : The ftp server and port
Gopher : The gopher server and port
NNTP : The nntp server and port
telnet : The telnet server and port
POST method
The method attribute
Handling POST Forms
PostScript : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
preformatted text
Preformatted text
The <samp> Tag
The <pre> Tag
for tables : Tables
<LISTING> tags : The <listing> Tag
<PLAINTEXT> tags : The <plaintext> Tag
private webs : Beneath the World Wide Web
programming forms : Forms Programming
PROMPT attribute (<ISINDEX> tag) : The prompt attribute (Netscape only)
as unsafe characters : Handling reserved and unsafe characters

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