Since 3.0.0 UdmSearch can index SQL database text fields - so called HTDB virtual URL scheme. Please note that currently UdmSearch may index only those tables that are in the same database with UdmSearch tables. MySQL users may specify database in the query though. Also you must have PRIMARY key on the table you want to index. Take a look at sample of indexer.conf in doc/samples/htdb.conf Two indexer.conf commands provide HTDB. There are HTDBList and HTDBDoc. HTDBList is SQL query to generate list of all URLs which correspond records in the table using PRIMARY key field. For example: HTDBList SELECT concat('message.php?id=',id) FROM bar.messages HTDBDoc is query to get the only concrete record from database using PRIMARY key value. Note that HTDBDoc query must return FULL HTTP response with headers. So, you can build very flexible indexing system giving different HTTP status in query. Take a look at HTTP-codes.txt of documentation to understand indexer behavor when it get different HTTP status. You may use PATH parts of URL as parameters of both HTDBList and HTDBDoc SQL queries. All parts are to be used as $1, $2, ... $n, where number is the number of PATH part: htdb:/part1/part2/part3/part4/part5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 In doc/samples/htdb.conf sample the only one path part is used. You may use long URLs to provide several parameters to both HTDBList and HTDBDoc queries. For example, htdb://path1/path2/path3/path4/id with the query: HTDBList SELECT id FROM table WHERE field1='$1' AND field2='$2' and field3='$3' This query will generate such URLs: htdb://path1/path2/path3/path4/id1 ... htdb://path1/path2/path3/path4/idN for all values of the field "id" which are in the HTDBList output. If there is no result of HTDBDoc or query does return several records, HTDB retrival system generates "HTTP 404 Not Found". It usually may happen at reindex time if record was deleted from your table since last reindexing. You may use "DeleteBad yes" to delete such records from UdmSearch tables as well. You may use several HTDBDoc/List commands in one indexer.conf with corresponding Server commands. At the end of doc/samples/htdb.conf we wrote: Server Alias htdb:/ Alias htdb:/ It means that "" URLs will be shown in search result, but "htdb:/xxx" URL will be indexed instead, where xxx is PRIMARY key value, the ID of record in "messages" table.