

Stops processing of a page at the tag location. ColdFusion returns everything that was processed before the cfabort tag. The cfabort tag is often used with conditional logic to stop processing a page when a condition occurs.


Flow-control tags


<cfabort showError = "error_message"> 

See also

cfbreak, cfexecute, cfexit, cfif    cfelseif    cfelse, cflocation, cfloop, cfswitch    cfcase    cfdefaultcase, cfthrow, cftry cfcatch


Optional. The error to display when cfabort executes. The error message displays in the standard ColdFusion error page.

Remember that when combining cfabort and cferror, cferror is meant to redirect output to a specified page. The cfabort tag halts processing immediately.

If the cfabort tag does not contain a showError attribute value, processing stops immediately and ColdFusion returns the page contents up to the line that contains the cfabort tag.

When using cfabort with the showError attribute alone (without defining an error page using cferror), page processing stops when the cfabort tag is reached. The message defined in showError is displayed to the client.

In a page in which you've defined both an error page using cferror and a cfabort tag using the showError attribute, ColdFusion redirects output to the error page specified in the cferror tag.


<!--- this example demonstrates the use of cfabort

to stop the processing of a cfloop. Note that in the 

second example, where cfabort is used, the result never

displays --->



<title>cfabort Example</title>


<body bgcolor = FFFFFF>

<H1>cfabort Example</H1>


<H3>Example A: Let the instruction complete itself</H3>

<!--- first, set a variable --->

<cfset myVariable = 3>

<!--- now, perform a loop that increments this value --->

<cfloop from = "1" to = "4" index = "Counter">

  <cfset myVariable = myVariable + 1>



<P>  The value of myVariable after incrementing through the loop

  #Counter# times is: #myVariable#


<!--- reset the variable and show the use of cfabort --->

<H3>Example B: Use cfabort to halt the instruction</H3>

<cfset myVariable = 3>

<!--- now, perform a loop that increments this value --->

<cfloop from = "1" to = "4" index = "Counter">

  <!--- on the second time through the loop, cfabort --->

  <cfif Counter is 2>


  <!--- the processing is stopped, and subsequent operations

  are not carried out by the CFAS --->  


  <cfset myVariable = myVariable + 1>




<P>  The value of myVariable after incrementing through the loop

  #counter# times is: #myVariable#



