cfif    cfelseif    cfelse


Used with cfelse and cfelseif, cfif lets you create simple and compound conditional statements in CFML. The value in the cfif tag can be any expression.


Flow-control tags


<cfif expression>

  HTML and CFML tags


  HTML and CFML tags

<cfelse expression>

  HTML and CFML tags


See also

cfabort, cfbreak, cfexecute, cfexit, cflocation, cfloop, cfswitch    cfcase    cfdefaultcase, cfthrow, cftry cfcatch


When testing the return value of a function that returns a Boolean, you do not have to explicitly define the TRUE condition. The following code uses IsArray as an example:

<cfif IsArray(myarray)>

When successful, IsArray evaluates to YES, the string equivalent of the Boolean TRUE. This method is preferred over explicitly defining the TRUE condition:

<cfif IsArray(myarray) IS TRUE>

For example:

<cfif "11/23/1998 " GT "11/15/1998 ">

This switch is set on the ColdFusion Administrator Server Settings page. For more information, see Advanced ColdFusion Administration.


<!--- This example shows the interaction of cfif, cfelse, 

and cfelseif --->


<H3>cfif Example</H3>

<P>cfif lets you perform conditional logic 

based on a condition or set of conditions.

<P>For example, you can output the list of Centers from the

snippets datasource by group and only display <B>IF</B>

the city = San Diego.


<!--- use cfif to test a condition when outputting a query --->

<P>The following are centers in San Diego:

<cfoutput query = "getCenters" >

<cfif city is "San Diego">

  <BR><B>Name/Address:</B>#Name#, #Address1#, #City#, #State#

  <BR><B>Contact:</B> #Contact#<BR>



<P>If you want more than one condition to be the case,

ask for a list of the centers in San Diego <B>OR</B>

Santa Ana. If the center does not follow this condition, 

use cfelse to show only the names and cities of the

other centers.

<P>Notice how a nested cfif is used to specify

the location of the featured site (Santa Ana or San Diego).

<!--- use cfif to specify a conditional choice for multiple

options; also note the nested cfif --->


<P>Complete information is shown for centers in San Diego

or Santa Ana. All other centers are listed in italics:

<cfoutput query = "getCenters">

<cfif city is "San Diego" OR city is "Santa Ana">

  <H4>Featured Center in <cfif city is "San Diego">San

    Diego<cfelse>Santa Ana</cfif></H4>

  <B>Name/Address:</B>#Name#, #Address1#, #City#, #State#

  <BR><B>Contact:</B> #Contact#<BR>


  <BR><I>#Name#, #City#</I>



<P>Finally, use cfelseif to cycle through a number of conditions 

and produce varying output. Note that you can use cfcase and cfswitch

for a more elegant representation of this behavior.



<!--- use cfif in conjunction with cfelseif to specify

more than one branch in a conditional situation --->

<cfoutput query = "getCenters">

<cfif city is "San Diego" OR city is "Santa Ana">

  <BR><I>#Name#, #City#</I> (this one is in <cfif city is "San

    Diego">San Diego<cfelse>Santa Ana</cfif>)

<cfelseif city is "San Francisco">

  <BR><I>#Name#, #City#</I> (this one is in San Francisco)

<cfelseif city is "Suisun">

  <BR><I>#Name#, #City#</I> (this one is in Suisun)


  <BR><I>#Name#</I> <B>Not in a city we track</B>




