Configuring Your Installation

After installing ColdFusion Server, you may have to perform the following actions:

Configuring Web servers manually

If you did not instruct ColdFusion Server to configure your Web server automatically during the ColdFusion Server installation, you must manually configure your Web server. This section explains how to do this in Solaris. The following Web servers are described in this section:

Netscape/iPlanet Web Server

The ColdFusion Server NSAPI plug-in has been tested with Netscape/iPlanet Enterprise Web Server 3.6 and 4.0 and the Netscape FastTrack Web Server 3.6 and 4.0. The ColdFusion Server installation script configures these servers automatically.

The Netscape/iPlanet plug-in

The Netscape/iPlanet plug-in ( for ColdFusion Server is in the /opt/coldfusion/webserver/nsapi directory.

The following procedure assumes that you installed the Netscape/iPlanet server in /usr/netscape/server4 on the system named smurf.

To configure the Netscape/iPlanet plug-in:

  1. Copy the plug-in to a directory in your server directories. Name it
    mkdir /usr/netscape/server4/plugins/coldfusion
    cp /opt/coldfusion/webserver/nsapi/ \
  2. In the /usr/netscape/server4/https-smurf/config/mime.types file, add a new ColdFusion Server type. To do this, add the line:
    type=magnus-internal/cold-fusion exts=exts=cfm,dbm,cfml,dbml
  3. Edit the /usr/netscape/server4/https-surf/config/obj.conf file to add a service and init directives. Add all of the following syntax on one line:
    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/usr/netscape/server4/
    plugins/coldfusion/" funcs="DoCFRequest"
  4. Add the following line in the default Object:
    Service fn="DoCFRequest" method="(GET|POST)" 
  5. Stop and restart the Web server.


    If you run the Netscape/iPlanet Server Manager, the browser-based administrator, you may get a warning about edits to the Netscape configuration files. This is normal. To reload the new configuration files, follow the instructions and click Apply

Apache Web Server

ColdFusion Server has been tested with Apache version 1.3.6. To download Apache, go to the Apache Web site at

ColdFusion Server includes a precompiled binary module for Apache, mod_coldfusion_so, that has been tested with Apache 1.3.6 through 1.3.19. This module works with most versions of Apache. However, if you need to compile your own version of Apache, see the Apache Readme file at /opt/coldfusion/webserver/apache/readme.

Adding the ColdFusion Server module to Apache 1.3.x

You can find the ColdFusion Server module in the installation directory (usually

/opt) under the coldfusion/webserver/apache directory. The prebuilt module shipped with ColdFusion Server 5, is built with Apache 1.3.6.

This module does not work with earlier versions of Apache 1.3.x, and it may not work with later versions if the Apache Group changes the MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAJOR (src src/include/ap_mmn.h in the Apache source).

The module provided with ColdFusion Server should work with most versions of Apache. However, if you have a custom distribution of Apache, you will need to build your own version of Apache. If you have a C compiler (gcc or SUN cc) , you can build a version of, which should work with a version of Apache 1.3.x. For more information, see the Readme file in /opt/coldfusion/webserver/apache.

In order for the Apache HTTPD to load the ColdFusion Server module at startup time, you must configure the mod_so module. This module is not built into Apache by default.

To determine whether the HTTD module is already available, run the httpd -1 command. If the module is present, mod_so.c displays in the list of compiled-in modules. For more information, see the Apache documentation for details (README.DSO).

To configure and add the ColdFusion Server module for Apache:

  1. Configure this module into the Apache build by running the following command:
    $ ./configure --enable-module=so <other apache options>
    $ make
    $ make install
  2. If you are using gcc to compile Apache, include the following environment variables for configure:
    $ env LIBS=/usr/lib/ CFLAGS=-fPIC \
        ./configure --enable-module=so <other apache options>

After you configure mod_so in your Apache binary, the simplest way to configure the ColdFusion Server module is to use the apxs program that is included in the Apache distribution. It installs by default in <apachedir>/apache/bin. This is a Perl script, so you must have Perl installed on your system. Perl is available at

To use the apxs program:

  1. Ensure that Perl is available in /usr/local/bin/perl.
  2. Ensure a C compiler is in your PATH.
  3. Add the apache/bin directory to your path:
      set path=($path /usr/ccs/bin /usr/local/apache/bin)
      export PATH
  4. Change to the apache/src directory in the ColdFusion Server installation.
      cd /opt/coldfusion/webserver/apache/src
  5. Run the apxs command to build by entering the following command:
  6. Run the apxs command to add the module to the Apache configuration by entering the following command:
      make install
  7. Restart your Apache server by entering the following command:
      apachectl restart

To configure the Apache module that ColdFusion Server provides for Solaris:

  1. Copy the ColdFusion Server module to the Apache modules directory:
    cp /opt/coldfusion/webserver/apache/ /usr/local/apache/libexec
  2. Edit your httpd.conf file to include the following directive:
    LoadModule coldfusion_module libexec/


    If you have a ClearModuleList directive in httpd.conf, you must add the following directive to the AddModule list as stated by the comments in the httpd.conf file: AddModule mod_coldfusion.c

  3. Restart Apache.

Configuring SNMP MIB

To use the ColdFusion Server MIB features, you must configure the following settings.

To configure Solaris use the MIB Agent:

  1. Stop the SNMP process by entering the following command:
    /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx  stop
    kill  -9  <the pid of the allaire_mibd process>
  2. In the file /etc/snmp/conf/allaire_mib.acl, find the following section:
    trap = {
      trap-community = public
      hosts = localhost
        enterprise = "allaire"
        trap-num = 1, 2, 3, 4

    Change localhost to point to the server(s) that are to receive trap messages from the local host. If two or more servers should receive traps, the line should be in the format:

    hosts = host1, host2

    The system names must be valid on your network. For example, you must be able to ping them from the local host. If the system names are invalid, the MIB does not work correctly and the MIB log file grows very large. Don't delete or comment out the trap section of allaire_mib.acl.

  3. Restart the SNMP process by entering the following command:
    /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx start 
  4. Go to the Debug Options page of the ColdFusion Administrator, and ensure that the Enable Performance Monitoring checkbox is selected.

Configuring the MIB Agent for HTTPS and non-default ports

To use HTTPS, a different Web server name, or a different port to access the Web document root for ColdFusion MIB information, modify the content of /usr/lib/btcats/database/ file.

This file usually contains a single entry, such as http://maine where maine is the name of the local host, and http://maine is the Web document root directory of the ColdFusion MIB information. To use HTTPS, a different Web document root (maine1), and port (459), edit the entry to https://maine1:459.


You can find a copy of the MIB definition in /usr/lib/btcats/database/lhmib_UNIX.mib.

Configuring databases

After the install has completed, but before you can setup data sources in the ColdFusion Administrator, you must edit the /opt/coldfusion/bin/start script to include information about your database(s)

Normally this requires two changes per database: setting a database-specific environment variable, and adding the path to the client-side database libraries to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Examples are provided in the start script to help you.

After editing the start script, you must stop and restart ColdFusion Server for the changes to take effect. Then proceed to the ColdFusion Administrator to set up your data sources.


ColdFusion Server no longer supports OpenIngres database drivers on Solaris.


For more information on configuring data sources for ColdFusion Server, see "Managing Data Sources". Also, see the ODBC 3.7 documentation PDF file in /opt/coldfusion/odbc/doc/odbcref.pdf.
