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C, 1, 2, 6
C++, 1, 2, 6
Caesar, Julius, 352
of a statement expression, term definition, 204
canRead method
of class File, 755
canWrite method
of class File, 756
capacity method
of class StringBuffer, 551
of class Vector, 658
capacityIncrement field
of class Vector, 655
carriage return (CR)
escape sequence, 27
handling in a
character literal, 24
string literal, 25
as a line terminator, not input character, 14
See also conversion
boolean, 37
ClassCastException class, 611
conversion context, 53
specification, 67
floating-pointing types, 33
integral types, 33
reference types, 67
run-time testing, 303
standard exceptions, ClassCastException, 209
to void, not permitted, 272
catch clause, 290

catch clause
See also control flow; try statement
exception handling role of, 204
exception idiom defined with, 211
ceil method
of class Math, 524
Cervantes, Miguel de, 67
See also Character class; numbers; primitive types; strings
array of, distinguished from strings, 199
char type, 30
See also integral types; numbers; primitive types
value range, 31
Character class, 471
charValue method, of class Character, 474
line terminators, 25
escape sequences for, 26
term definition and specification, 24
Unicode character set
composite, contrasted with the Unicode decomposed characters, 18
handling in package names, 117
lexical grammar use as terminal symbols, 7
relationship to ASCII, 11
charAt method
of class String, 536
of class StringBuffer, 551
Chase, Lincoln, 111
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Canterbury Tales, 521
Troilus and Creseide, 528
See also exceptions, checked; throw
checkAccept method, of class SecurityManager, 577
checkAccess method
of class SecurityManager, 572
of class Thread, 594
of class ThreadGroup, 605
checkConnect method, of class SecurityManager, 576
checkCreateClassLoader method, of class SecurityManager, 572
checkDelete method, of class SecurityManager, 576
checkError method, of class PrintStream, 739
checkExec method, of class SecurityManager, 573
checkExit method, of class SecurityManager, 573
checkLink method, of class SecurityManager, 574
checkListen method, of class SecurityManager, 577
checkPropertiesAccess method, of class SecurityManager, 574
checkPropertyAccess method, of class SecurityManager, 574
checkRead method, of class SecurityManager, 575
checkSetFactory method, of class SecurityManager, 577
checkTopLevelWindow method, of class SecurityManager, 578
checkWrite method, of class SecurityManager, 575
for exception handlers, at compile-time, 203
checkPackageAccess method
of class SecurityManager, 578
checkPackageDefinition method
of class SecurityManager, 578
Christie, Agatha
hand-writing experts, 325
no method, 465
Poirot's abrupt departure, 264
testing a statement, 273
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 528
circular declaration
See also forward reference
ClassCircularityError class, 611
of interfaces, compile-time error caused by, 185
of subclasses, compile-time error caused by, 134
of types, in different compilation units, legality of, 118
See also fields; inheritance; interfaces; methods; packages; subclasses; superclasses; superinterfaces
abstract, 131
as array component types, 194
binary compatibility considerations, 242
declaration of, 131
overriding abstract methods in, 158
uses, 132
accessibility, 99
binary compatibility considerations, 242
binary representation
binary file format requirements, 240
verification of, 220
declarations, binary compatibility considerations, 245
term definition and declarations in, 138
Class class, 466
class file format, binary file format use of, 238
Class objects, associated with arrays, 199, 49
.class suffix, as name for compiled files, 116
ClassCastException class, 611
ClassCircularityError class, 611
classDepth method, of class SecurityManager, 571
ClassFormatError class, 611
ClassLoader class, 558
classLoaderDepth method, of class SecurityManager, 572
ClassNotFoundException class, 611
constructors, binary compatibility considerations, 253
declarations, 128
(chapter), 127
LALR(1) grammar productions, 443
specifying direct superclasses in, 133
specifying direct superinterfaces in, 135
term definition, 128
as declared entity, 78
Error, 203, 211
Exception, 203, 208
RuntimeException, 203, 208
Throwable, 201, 202, 208, 463
fields, see fields, class
binary compatibility considerations, 242
declaration of, 133
finalization of, 235
inaccessible, accessing members of, example, 142
IncompatibleClassChangeError class, 611
initialization, 223
detailed procedure, 225
example, 217
standard exceptions, ExceptionInitializerError, 212
instances, see instance(s)
instantiation, preventing, 180
at virtual machine startup, 216
initialization, 212, 223, 225
preparation, 212, 221, 226
process description, 220
resolution, 216
loading, 218
at virtual machine startup, 216
process description, 29
standard errors
ClassCircularityError, 219
ClassFormatError, 219
NoClassDefFoundError, 219
members, 86
declarations, 138
binary compatibility considerations, 245
class, 160
interface, 169
non-static, 160
static, 160
fully qualified, 105
scope of, 130
naming conventions, 108
NoClassDefFoundError class, 611
non-public, in example of qualified names and access control, 101
objects have, while variables have types, 47
as package members, 85
preparation, 221
at virtual machine startup, 216
standard exceptions, AbstractMethodError, 212
preventing instantiation of, 132
access control in, 99
binary compatibility considerations, 243
in example of qualified names and access control, 101
references to, binary file format requirements, 239
at virtual machine startup, 216
process description, 221
standard exceptions
IllegalAccessError, 221
IncompatibleClassChangeError, 221
InstantiationError, 222
standard exceptions
NoSuchFieldError, 222
NoSucMethodError, 222
scope of, 81
standard, see standard classes
standard exceptions
ClassCastException, 209, 69
ClassNotFoundException, 210, 468, 559, 560
Error, 208
Exception, 208
RuntimeException, 208
Throwable, 208
static initializers, 175
binary compatibility considerations, 259
type declarations, as members of packages, 124
unloading of, 235
default values, 46
specification, 145, 44
at virtual machine startup, 216
standard exceptions, VerifyError, 212
reclassification of contextually ambiguous names, 91
syntactic, of a name according to context, 90
clear method
of class BitSet, 620
of class Hashtable, 638
clearChanged method
of class Observable, 644
clone method
of class BitSet, 620
of class Hashtable, 636
of class Object, 460
of class Vector, 656
Cloneable interface, 465
CloneNotSupportedException class, 611
CLOS (Common Lisp Object System), 4
close method
of class FileInputStream, 686
of class FileOutputStream, 723
of class FilterInputStream, 697
of class FilterOutputStream, 731
of class InputStream, 682
of class OutputStream, 721
of class PipedInputStream, 688
of class PipedOutputStream, 726
close method
of class PrintStream, 739
of class RandomAccessFile, 746
of class SequenceInputStream, 695
code generation
See also binary, compatibility; compile-time errors; exceptions; optimization
asynchronous exceptions, implications for, 205
initialization, implications for, 227
linking, implications for, 222
loading, implications for, 219
symbolic reference resolution implications of, 222
commentChar method, of class StreamTokenizer, 716
documentation, (chapter), 419
term definition and specification, 15
Common Lisp, 4, 6
compareTo method
of class String, 538
binary, see binary, compatibility
See also compile-time errors; exceptions; virtual machine
CompilationUnit goal symbol, syntactic grammar use, 8
binary compatibility considerations, 251
if statement reachability handling to support, 298
exception handlers checked for during, 203
components, package declarations, 118
importing types into, 120
term definition and characteristics, 117
compile-time errors, 1
See also binary, compatibility; errors; exceptions completion, 264

See also control flow; exceptions
break statement, 283
continue statement, 285
during expression evaluation, 304
for statement, 282
labeled statements, 272
reasons for, 264, 304
return statement, 287
synchronized statement, 289
throw statement, 288
try statement, 290
try-catch statement, 292
try-catch-finally statement, 293
during expression evaluation, 304
during statement execution, 264
See arrays, components
type, arrays, 194
concat method
of class String, 544
concurrency, 309
See also synchronization; threads
See also hiding; scope
avoiding through use of syntactic context, 89
connect method
of class PipedInputStream, 687
of class PipedOutputStream, 725
Conner, Michael, 237
See also fields, class, final; fields, interface; literals
characteristics and binary compatibility considerations, 251
compile-time narrowing of
by assignment conversion, implications, 61
not permitted by method invocation conversion, 66
expressions, 381
in string literals, 26
binary compatibility considerations, 251
term specification, 251
named, see fields, class, final
binary compatibility considerations, 251
term definition, 251
See also class(es); execution; initialization; interfaces; methods
access, 99
binary compatibility considerations, 248
default, example, 102
private, example, 105
protected, example, 104
public, example, 103
hidden fields, this keyword use for, 269
body, 178
binary compatibility considerations, 257
as components of a class body, 138
declarations, 176
binary compatibility considerations, 253
LALR(1) grammar productions, 445
default, 180
deleting, binary compatibility considerations, 246
invocation, during instance creation, 228
as not members of a class, 86
modifiers, 177
names of, 176, 79
overloading, 180
binary compatibility considerations, 257
parameters, 177
See also arguments
assignment during instance creation, 228
binary compatibility considerations, 254
scope, 82
specification, 177, 45
private, preventing instantiation with, 132, 181
protected, accessibility of, 100
references to, binary file format requirements, 239
signature, 177
binary file format requirements, 240
throws clause, binary compatibility considerations, 256
contains method
of class Hashtable, 637
of class Vector, 659
containsKey method
of class Hashtable, 637
See also inheritance; scope
conversion, 52
assignment, specification, 61
casting, specification, 67
method invocation, specification, 66
string, specification, 67
reclassification of contextually ambiguous names, 91
role in determining the meaning of a name, 79, 89
syntactic classification of a name according to, 90
context-free grammars
See grammars, context-free
continue statement
See also control flow
definite assignment, 397
as reason for abrupt completion, 264
specification, 285
See also binary, compatibility
term definition, 241
control flow
See also completion; definite assignment; exceptions; expressions; statements; statements, unreachable; threads
boolean expressions use for, 37
break statement, specification, 283
continue statement, specification, 285
deadlock avoidance, multiple lock use for, 290
do statement, specification, 279
for statement, specification, 280
if statement, dangling else handling, 270
if-then statement, specification, 273
if-then-else statement, specification, 274
local variable declaration and switch statement, 45
return statement, specification, 286
switch statement, specification, 274
synchronized statement, specification, 289
throw statement, specification, 287
try statement, specification, 290
try-catch statement, specification, 291
try-catch-finally statement, specification, 293
while statement, specification, 277
naming, 106
impact on name hiding, 84
See also casting; numbers; promotion
casting, 67
categories and contexts, 52
(chapter), 51
assignment, specification, 61
casting, specification, 67
method invocation, specification, 66
string, specification, 67
forbidden, specification, 60
in assignment conversion context, 61
in casting conversion context, 67
in method invocation conversion context, 66
specification, 54
kinds of, 54
in method invocations, 66
primitive, 55
in assignment conversion context, 61
in casting conversion context, 67
not allowed in method invocation conversion context, reasons for, 66
reference, in casting conversion context, 67
narrowing, 59
specification, 59
widening, 58
specification, 58
string, 67
specification, 60
term definition, 51
term specification, 58
primitive, 54
in assignment conversion context, 61
in binary numeric promotion context, 74
in casting conversion context, 67
in method invocation conversion context, 66
in unary numeric promotion context, 73
reference, 58
in assignment conversion context, 61
in casting conversion context, 67
in method invocation conversion context, 66
term specification, 58
copyInto method
of class Vector, 659
cos method
of class Math, 519
count field
of class BufferedInputStream, 699
of class BufferedOutputStream, 732
of class ByteArrayInputStream, 689
of class ByteArrayOutputStream, 727
of class StringBufferInputStream, 692
countObservers method
of class Observable, 643
countStackFrames method
of class Thread, 598
countTokens method
of class StringTokenizer, 653 C++, 1, 2, 6

C++ Creamer, Henry, 595

Creamer, Henry
See also declaration; initialization
array, 195, 38
expression evaluation
example, 318
order, 316
out-of-memory detection, example, 319
instance, 38
expression evaluation, 314
order, 315
expressions as statements, 272
invocation of initializers for instance variables during, 229
method dispatching during, 230
specification and procedure, 228
object, 38
threads, 415
Creatore, Luigi, 28
currentClassLoader method
of class SecurityManager, 571
currentThread method
of class Thread, 599
currentTimeMillis method
of class System, 581
See spittoon

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