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file (TYPE attribute value) : File-selection fields
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
URLs for : The ftp URL
file URLs : The file URL
file-selection fields : File-selection fields
paths for : The http path
referenced : Embedded Versus Referenced Content
suffixes for : Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
first-level heading <H1> tags
Heading Tags
flashing (blinking) text : The <blink> Tag
flood-filling : Resized and flood-filling images
flowing text : Missing Features
fonts : Appearance of Text
horizontal rules with : Using Rules in Headers and Footers
in tables : Missing Features
sound : The src attribute
formats, graphics : Understanding Image Formats
choosing : JPEG or GIF?
HTML documents : Content Versus Appearance
forms : Forms
checkboxes in : Checkboxes
customized image buttons on : Custom buttons
encoding data from : The enctype attribute
encrypting data from : Form Fundamentals
file-selection fields : File-selection fields
hidden fields in : Hidden Fields
horizontal rules for : Using Rules to Divide Your Document
improving layout of : Better Forms Layout
multiple-choice elements : Multiple Choice Elements
with nested tables : Building forms with nested tables
POST and GET methods : The method attribute
programming : Forms Programming
radio buttons in : Radio Buttons
Reset buttons on : Reset buttons
Submit button
Form Fundamentals
Submission buttons
text-entry fields : Text Fields in Forms
text-entry fields in
multiline : Multiline Text Areas
user interface : User Interface Considerations
fragment identifiers
The http document fragment
The name attribute
Linking Within a Document
The <html> Tag
columns/rows in : The <rows> and <cols> attributes
margins for : The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
named targets
Frame Tags
The name attribute
Named Frame or Window Targets
prohibiting size changes : The noresize attribute
scrollbars for : The scrolling attribute
staggered : Nesting <frameset> Tags
TARGET attribute (<A> tags) : The target attribute (Netscape only)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
anonymous : Browser software
hyperlinks to : Anchors Beyond HTML
fully qualified domain names : Talking the Internet Talk

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